Thursday, September 23, 2004

What is going on and what makes a good blog good for me…….

I have been busy behind the scenes this week. I know I have not written much of what is going on with me. I am trying to accomplish just a few positive things everyday. Here are the things that got accomplished this week.

1) Got reregistered to vote at my new
2) Drove by the local community college and found out what I need to take that will transfer for a degree in social work at Auburn University. I also got a bunch of financial aid forms and have filled them out.
3) Found out what I need to do to get a social worker/case worker. I now have to
work of the courage to call the number given to me. (This suggestion comes
courtesy of Dweeb.)
4) Deposited $25 bucks in my emergency savings fund.
5) Called social security to try and figure out why my ticket to work still has not arrived by mail. I now realize that I will have to drive down to Opelika to get
better results. You would think they would be falling over themselves that
I am trying to go back to work.
6) Managed to get a fair amount of future meals cooked and put up in the freezer.

As you can see, I have not just been sitting in front of the computer all day like I have a tendency to do.

What makes a good blog, good for me?

I was thinking tonight about what is that magical property that makes me visit a particular blog on a daily basis. I have hundreds of blog links saved in my favorites but just a handful that I will visit everyday. I’ve kind of had the internet blues lately and have been looking for good blogs to read. What makes a blog author good? Here are a few things I thought of that apply to me.

A) They write well and are articulate with what they write. I can find some of the most mundane parts of life interesting if the author writes well.
B) They update often and, many times, once a day.
C) It is a subject that is dear to me such as mental illness or homelessness. (I
can read what I consider bad or boring blogs just due to the subject
D) They can get personal on their blogs and I get to know them through their writing. I enjoy reading about someone else’s actual life and not just what restaurant is hip or the latest
escapades of the cast of survivor.
E) Political blogs bore the shit out of me. I have seen enough of the same
rants and rhetoric to last a lifetime since I have been blogging. I read
one politically based blog and it is written by a homeless
F) The younger the age, the quicker I am to hit my favorites in my browser. I am not interested in what manga or anime is hot. I like video games but have yet to find a blogger that writes well about them. I don’t particularly like
reading about the poster collection on the walls of your dorm room. (Nothing
wrong with younger bloggers. I just find that the majority of them are
interested in things I could care less about.)

Well, this is just a start. The list may grow if I think about it longer.

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