Friday, June 01, 2007

A Writer’s End?

I have had the most terrible writer's block this week thus my short posts. I just sat down to try and capture I and George's late evening drive last night and came up blank. This is so frustrating. Usually, writing comes so easy for me and I take it for granted. I think I am burned out from pouring my heart and soul into my book (which will never be published.) I am now thinking the whole book thing is a waste of time although it will help me become a better fiction writer by practicing the craft. Please bear with me and let's see if we can't get this blog back on track next week. I write for fun and when it is not fun like this week it makes for a laboriously boring process and it shows in my writing. Hang on to your horses and just give me some time to regroup.


Sword Inc said...

Andrew... oopse. It happens to the best.
But that ("it will never be published") really hurts. I wrote a 132 pages of a movie script that I hoped that somebody would only read the synopsis. well, I eventually sent it to some writers forum and got a feedback that it was not what they were looking for.. erm.. yeah, its in somedrawer here and feels so damn good looking at it.

Jennifer said...

I was thinking that when your new niece grows up, she will treasure your book. That will probably be the only link she will have to her great-grandmother. If I had a book of fiction based on the stories my great-grandmother had told, it would be my most prized possession. You just can't put a price on something like that. Writing that book will be of great value to your family!

SKQBDOO said...

I even enjoyed just the bullet post about things that are going on. They are all things I had been wondering about because I know they are going on in your life but you will go for a long time without mentioning them. Rest up. It will come back to you.

PipeTobacco said...


Take a break if it is not meaningful or fun for you to write at the moment. I too, have had several pieces of fiction that I have written over the years. I have found when I forced it, the results were not enjoyable for me or for the reader.

The blog is a different situation though. For me, it is a way to release emotion. And as much as I like to imagine myself to be a stoic fellow, I am really, deep inside quite emotional. The blog gives me a place to be who I am, not who I want to be, nor who I suspect others may want me to be. I suspect the same is true for you.

Therefore, I hope you give yourself a break on the novel until you enjoy it again, and simply write about your own feelings like you do so well in your blog.

Red Robin. said...

Yeah, sounds like time to put your feet up, spend some time outdoors and re-charge your batteries.

Eric Valentine said...

Hi Andrew, I have to agree with Jennifer and pipe Tobacco. Jennifer for the idea of a book left for others. Pipe Tobacco for his approach to the differencies in his writing and what he takes from it.

It does hapen to all of us, including myself who once suffered a block that took 7 months one time.

This is the last two lines from a poem I wrote called "Me And My Pen"

"My pen thus far has done alright, so in it I will trust

It matters not the things it says, for writing’s still a must."

So go to it and write from your heart my friend.

mosiacmind said...

I know that I have been quiet this week with email...lots going on I plan to sometime soon sit down and write a long email catching you up...I am leaving here in a few to go with my friend Maureen to an AA meeting..........take great care of yourself and I totally understand about writing on the blog and some days one just or at least I cannot come up with much either.......

bad-dog said...

I came to your blog a few weeks ago (?) after you left a comment on my mine. Very inspiring! Haven't had a whole lot of time to read all your posts (but I want to!) I like your writing style, so don't get depressed about publication. It's not good for artists to get too concerned about business and that's what publication is all about. They only publish what THEY think they can sell. Writers write because they HAVE to, not because it pays the bills.
I'll be visiting again!

Townie Girl said...

It's probably just time to take a break from writing. I used to love to write too but I did it so much that I got bored with it and ended up like you are now. Don't tell yourself it will never be published. You never know what can happen, and even if it isn't, it will be something for future generations of your family to cherish.

Josie Two Shoes said...

It doesn't work if you feel pressured to do it Andrew, so do take a little break, and I bet in no time you'll be bursting with things you just have to tell us! I'm also betting if you take a break from your book you'll eventually come back to it. I think it's an awesome project. If it doesn't sell, you could post it on one of the online book sites, we would enjoy it! :-) Most of all, remember that you write for YOU, not for others - so do it when you feel like it!

JT said...

Just wanted to add my own "chin up!" in with all of the rest. I haven't been reading long, but I always enjoy your insightful observations.

Just take a break, it will all come flowing back when you least expect it.

Amanda said...

At first I was obsessed about updating daily. It became an unspoken pact with myself. Now I allow myself a day off or so whenever I feel this way, because I finally convinced myself that it won't lead to quitting my blog altogether. :)

PS. Have you checked out

Monkling said...

All writers go through periods of writer's block and of thinking they will never be published. I have come to think it's part of the process. In my opinion, it's better than being arrogant and thinking what you're writing the world's greatest novel and anyone who wouldn't like it is an idiot. You're allowed an occasional slump, just as long as it's only temporary.

2 LMZ FARMS said...

HONEY, if I hang to the horse much longer I will be between the damn horses ears. Hey, that is where I ride half time anyway. Espically if I turning barrels. haha Take some time off, don't get so dishearted though. You have been through alot and you deserve some R&R. Rest up my friend, about the book, if it takes you several years from now to finish, that will be okay for I know I still want a copy. with it signed by you of course. Go camping, keep being the friend you are to George and Rosa and this still time will past and you will be renewed with energy and words.
Have a good one.


I'll be trotting along on my "horse" until you return with some galloping posts. But funny, even when you seem to have writers block, you're still very interesting to read about.

Aaron said...


As the list of RSS feeds that I read every day continues to grow, I find that I do a lot more "skimming" than I used to.

However, whether I have time to read every word, or just skim for the main points, I for one would miss your writing if it went away!

p.s. - Write and publish your book! You'll be glad you did, I promise.

- Aaron

Blue Gardenia said...

Andrew, your lack of ideas might mean a change in your illness. Perhaps a little depression or maybe a less florid psychosis with only the negative symptoms of psychosis being prevelant. I have times like that that usually last for 90 days. When psychosis becomes strong, the mind loosens, the heart opens and the tears and ink begin to flow. But in these dull times it is easier to rest, to concentrate and to keep up with your reading.

Summer said...

Hey Sweets... You take as long as you need. I'd wait forever to read your posts!

Barb said...

I agree with Summer, as long as you need, take the time and come back fresh and ready to take on the world. If not, I can sit with you in the quiet of your own heart.

Either way, you fill the heart's of many, kindling in them the fire of your thoughts and words.


david mcmahon said...

Hi Andrew,

I agree with Aaron. You just keep believing in yourself and in your own writing ability.

Yes, your book will be published. And no, you're not the first writer to hit a mental block

Keep at it

Warm regards


Iris Blue said...

I grow concerned when I don't read anything from you because that's when something has gone horrible wrong for you. Just a 'hi, I'm still here' would be just fine.

fiwa said...

I read your post yesterday, but didn't have time to comment. I wanted to come back and say, don't sweat the writers block. Everybody has times when they don't feel like writing, so just relax and do other things for awhile till you feel like writing again. I wouldn't worry about coming up with anything though, we all just like reading about what you're doing from day to day.

Have a good weekend Andrew. I'll miss you till you feel like writing again.


changemytattoo said...

It happens :) Don't think about it. Know that it's temporary.


abbagirl74 said...

Hey. Are you doing another meeting on Monday? I do hope you will give it another try. I know Rosa enjoys it so much. She truly loves your company. We all do. Wish we could all be there with you. Have you decided what you are going to make? Wish I could be there with you to throw down in the kitchen. It would be fun.

IGNITE said...

Will wait to read something nice from you this week... DO NOT call it a writer's end?! :-)