Friday, June 01, 2007

Rosa Dabbles with Beer

"You sure are drinking a lot of beer lately," I told Rosa yesterday.

"I need something to take the edge off," she replied.

This has worried me deeply about my best friend. I have noticed as the days have progressed she has gone from drinking a single "tall boy" Budweiser to drinking a six-pack. I am not trying to be a busy body, but know all too well the insidiousness of addiction.

We sat on the side of Fat Albert's convenience store as Rosa drank her beer and I smoked my cigars and drank a diet soda. I have noticed a shift in the gang hanging out down at the shopping center to Fat Albert's which is only minutes away. Fat's has all the vices – lottery tickets, cigarettes and cigars, junk food and cheap alcohol. I can buy a twenty pack of little cigars for .93 cents.

"What are you cooking us for supper?" Rosa then asked me as she finished beer number three.

"What would you like to eat?" I asked.

"Cook some of your southern style cubed steak and gravy with biscuits," she said.

"That is always one of my favorites as well," I replied.

4pm found me in the kitchen cooking with Rosa watching television on my computer. I salted and peppered two pieces of cubed steak and then dredged them in flour frying them until done. I then set them aside and poured off most of the oil adding flour to make a roux. After the roux had darkened to a chocolate brown color, I added some milk until the gravy got good and thick. I then re-added the steak and simmered them in the gravy for another hour. This will cause the steak to be fork tender. I served the steak and gravy with steamed broccoli, rice, and biscuits. Rosa thoroughly enjoyed the meal and so did I.


Some things that have been going on…

  • This morning, I have lost 17 pounds on my diet. I and Rosa quit eating at Rodger's Barbeque everyday because it was so fattening and the portions were so huge. My father asks me every night why I am not going.

  • My friend, Charlie, put in a dog door for Maggie here at this house. It has been one of the most welcomed things. Now, I don't have to worry about accidents on the floor anymore when I am gone. Maggie started using it the day Charlie put it in.

  • My good friend, Cheryl, sent me some magazines and a note yesterday via the postal service. It was so good to hear from her and I stayed up late last night reading those magazines. Thank you dear friend.

  • I have pretty much exhausted places to put flyers for my support group in the local area. I am hoping for a better turn out come this Monday. It will help next Monday not being a holiday.

  • I finally start moving stuff to my new home today. I and Charlie are moving the couch and the piano and all the stuff I had in storage after my divorce which is boxes and boxes of my Model Railroading kits and supplies. Charlie has also got me up a queen sized bed for my bedroom which will be nice.


Sword Inc said...

Somebody is moving House.. What would I do if I had to move house and leave this little cottage alone? Hmm.. got me thinking there. anyway HAPPY MOVING HOUSE DAY!

2 LMZ FARMS said...

I hate hearing that about Rosa. I'm so excited for you. Losing the extra pounds, getting the doggy door, and moving into your house. But most of all, getting your trains and railroad out and having somewhere to put them up and enjoy them. Have a good one.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Great job on the diet Andrew!! I hope Rosa will listen, she's too good a friend to you to get lost in the battle with alcohol. Wishing you many good memories in the making as you move into your new house and on with your life!

KYRIE said...

Andrew, wow 17 pounds! Many of ur lady readers are gonna be green with envy! Whn u put ur mind into sth, u really can achieve it.
In regards to Rosa, u hv to ask urself do u wanna be a likeable friend or a good friend.
U know u are in the good friend category,so u gonna hv to pester Rosa to stop her drinking cold turkey. Remind her tht the drinking can draw a wedge between her and daughter!
PS, hv u tried tomato rice before? Buy a can of tomato puree and cook it together with rice and garnish with vegies. Just another tip for ur healthy diet.
Andrew, promise us tht u will post a pic of the model railroad whn u set it out with train and all.

justLacey said...

How exciting, yo'll have to paint us mental pictures of your new home with your writing. I can't wait.

Cheryl said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the magazines. Aren't surprises great?

Summer said...

I love trains. I used to ride the Southern Railway years ago to my grandmother's house.

Laurie Anne said...

Mmmm, I'm hungry!