Friday, June 22, 2007

Bright Morning Dawns

Rosa and me sat down on the bench behind the bank near the railroad tracks this morning. We had just been to the diner to eat breakfast which was delicious.

"Ferret used to sleep here when he was homeless," I told her pointing to the bench down from us.

"His feet would hang off," Rosa said. "He is so tall."

"I know," I replied. "It must have been uncomfortable."

A train then roared past bringing me great amounts of joy. Great mechanical clamoring faded off into the distance as the end-of-train device went blinking around the corner through downtown.

"I bet you just had a train orgasm," Rosa said, snarkily.

I laughed.

"You know," Rosa then said. "We live terribly boring lives. All we do is loiter around different areas in town."

"I've had enough excitement to last a lifetime," I replied. "Boring is the new cool for me."

Rosa agreed that her life had been a little too exciting at one point as well. It is amazing both of us aren't in jail and are still alive. I try to tell myself that every day when I get to feeling sorry for myself. It could be a lot worse.

Last night, Wanda took me to a small Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in a little town about an hour away. It was held at a Southern Baptist conference center. We had a twelve and twelve study which is a meeting about the twelve steps and twelve traditions of A.A. What stood out most to me was that the meeting was mostly middle aged women. I felt right at home.

"What did you think?" Wanda asked me as we were driving home in her old heap of a car.

"I enjoyed it," I replied. "I thought A.A. was an almost exclusively male club."

"Well, you have always said you are more comfortable around women," Wanda said. "I thought you would like that meeting."

Wanda brought me home and the first thing I did was pack and light my pipe as I turned on the television to what was on PBS. I thought of the many wonderful people that have filled my life since getting sober. I was such a terrible loner when drinking heavily. Despite a terrible start to yesterday, I took it one day at a time, made that phone call, and put another day of sobriety under my belt. For that, I am grateful.


Annabel said...

I am so proud of you and continually amazed at your strength, Andrew. I'm so glad that you were able to make that phone call.

Moonroot said...

Andrew, you are amazing. I'm bowled over by the grace you show under all the extraordinary pressures you are under. Thank you for sharing your days with us.

Sandy said...

Good luck to your sobriety, and God Bless!

NeoAuteur said...

Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy reading your posts.

Gary said...

Andrew, if you live is southeast Alabama, that in itself will drive someone to drink. When the big city for that area is Dothan and all there is to do there, is go to bars, you don't have a chance.

Good Luck, life is too good to live in a bottle.

Tiffanie said...

That's so cool, Andrew. The more you write about Wanda, the more I like her.

azure said...


I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I'm so impressed by your writing voice and how you can so clearly communicate your life.

I especially enjoy your written dialogue with the other characters in your life, Rosa, Wanda, George, your father,

A long time ago, I noticed an unopened bottle of vodka in my boss' closet in his office. He told me it was part of alcoholic recovery. You always have that bottle right close to you but you are always choosing to not drink it.

AlexD said...


From one Alabama writer to the next keep trudging along and you will make it. The beauty is in the fight.



M said...

Boring is the new cool! Awesome. I am in that club too.

Pen and the Sword said...

Your stories of your happenings are an inspiration to many others I am sure. :o)

Cheryl said...

I'm in the boring is the new cool club too. My thrill is sitting out on my porch, looking at the birds. But, it's whatever makes you happy, right/

When I think back to where you've been and where you are now, I know you're ina good place.

Looks like someone's been playing around with Photoshop, huh?

Music Geek said...

Wow. You are a very good writer. Thank you for sharing.

Joshua said...

Hope you became universal, pal!

Lord Jim said...

I came upon your blog today and I am mighty impressed and inspired.
If you go throug my blog perhaps you will know that I can identify with ur writings.
Every one of us has two choices
1. let our destiny guide us
2. make our own destiny

You r one of the few strong ones who choose the second option.


"boring is the new cool for me."

I like that.
Glad that things are improving!
It's raining here, you're jealous!! :)