Friday, June 15, 2007

Spangled with Stars

These early morning hours are hardest on the insomnia addled soul. I sat for the longest time listening to Coast to Coast AM out of New Orleans enjoying that hot and steamy coffee from my thermos. The minutes would tick by excruciatingly slow – each hour as if it were a moment of time stood still. The thing I noticed the most was that it was a pitch black and clear sky spangled with thousands of stars yet you could see bright lightning on the horizon. My grandfather would always say you could see a storm for a hundred miles on a clear Southern summer night.

I left that park across from that old cotton mill and walked through town about a mile away from home. Took a shortcut through the car lot near Rosa's house. Stopped for a moment to look at the prices. Some of these pretentious cars were almost as expensive as my new house. I mused that I would never probably be able to afford such a vehicle for the rest of my life and it didn't bother me at all. My little Honda will be transporting me around for the next decade I hope. After that, come what may. I rarely drive anyway.

The diner had started serving breakfast at 4am for the early morning blue collar work crowd. I put out my cigar, walked in, took a seat and grabbed a menu.

"What are you having, honey?" The sleepy African American waitress asked with pad in hand.

"Get me the eggs, grits, toast, and bacon platter," I said, "and a large orange juice."

My meal was quickly brought out and I sat eating as I people watched. All the railroad workers come in this time of the morning after a night of riding the rails and I wondered what far flung towns and distant environs they had visited overnight. They laughed and talked boisterously over breakfast platters and unending mugs of coffee. I envied them of their job and camaraderie.

I wiped my hands and mouth with my napkin and put a generous tip on the table. I left the diner just minutes from home. I saw that lightning flash brightly one more time on the horizon lighting the distant thunderhead and smiled. Someone in this drought stricken south was getting a good rain and storm. I envied them as well as I would have loved to have curled up in my bed to the sounds of rain and thunder. Maybe such a nature's serenade would have induced sleep. I pulled my backpack tightly upon my shoulders and walked home with thoughts of raging storms, comforting beds, and cool air conditioned air on this hot and humid night. Sometimes, it is okay to have insomnia. I would have missed this wonderful morning of mostly solitude.


justLacey said...

What a beautiful picture you paint with your words. Makes me wish i was there sometimes. The haredest thing for me about insomnia is that the rest of the family is asleep, so I have to be quiet. It wouldn't be as bad if I could just get up and carry on as normal. When I used to get up and go to work at 7 am it was excrutiating watch the clock all night counting down how many hours I had left to get just some sleep. I finally learned as you have to ust get up and not bother. It wasn't happening.
You hardly drive now as it is so your little Honda will bring you many years of reliable transportation. Just take good care of it and it will run forever. I just got an Odyssey this year and you're right, a new car is rediculously priced. I hope to drive it for a long time to come.

austere said...

The Monsoons are very late this year..we've just bewn waiting, and happy at any signs of rain. Lovely description of a warm cozy bed and a storm raging outside.

ANITA said...

This was a terrific read for my morning coffee. You are a superb writer. Amazing description.

Josie Two Shoes said...

I love your writing, Andrew! I always feel as if I could be walking along with you on these night journeys. I agree, early morning is a beautiful, peaceful time of day, good for the soul!


Good morning Mr. 4th ave!!
Hope the breakfast was good. There's nothing like good old fashioned diner food-yum, grits!!

Hope you were able to sleep for a few hours this am.
Have a great friday!

Melanie said...

Andrew, seriously....I sure hope all that coffee and tea you drink is decaf. That surely doesn't help, compounded with the effects of the meds.

~Melanie, currently having a bit of a sleeping issue since starting back on the antidepressants, too.

abbagirl74 said...

Hey you. I was up until 2:30 am my time, 3:30 your time. Couldn't sleep either. Very unusual for me. Too much work and stress are probably the reasons why. It can really affect you.

Eric Valentine said...

Good day Andrew. That was as good a piece of writing that I have seen you do in a while. I thoroughly enjoyed the read, thank you.


Katie W said...

Hey Andrew, just wanted to say I really enjoyed your post as I do al of your posts. However, and I'm sorry if this upsets you, that isn't how it's intended, but I get alerted to new posts via RSS, because you republish your blog posts lots I frequently get your blog popping up, when it's a post I read a few hours earlier. It's a little bit annoying, is there any chance you could do it less, or even better not at all?

Annabel said...

There must be something going on between you, Abbagirl and myself. I was up with insomnia last night myself. How strange! I do love reading about your adventures late a night. Maybe that's what I need to go... just take a walk when I can't sleep!

Ghetufool said...

hello andrew, you are a wonderful blogger.

L.S. Alves said...

Hi! I'm trying be a writer too but I work in portuguese. Good luck with your book.
Hugs from Brasil.

Electronic Goose said...

I'm returning to the pleasures of people-watching myself, after a long bout where I was too self-conscious to feel "allowed" to watch. It is a beautiful thing.

~*~Dena~*~ said...

I came across your blog about a week ago. Ever since I have enjoyed reading about you and your dear life. Your a very interesting person. Thank you for sharing your private life with us. You are a very talented writer. Blessings!

Lisa said...

I just stumbled across your blog by accident. First, I just wanted to echo your many admirers in saying your "essays" paint such a vivid picture. There really is a beautiful rhythm to the words that makes them poetic. Also, your openess and candid postings are (here I search for an appropriate word suggesting admiration and inspiration and come up with nothing better than) ______. You seem to be the person I would like to be.

Leo said...

You're writing is very poetic. It has a great rhythm to it.

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