Monday, October 29, 2007

Job Interview

Well, that was the easiest job interview I have ever been on. I was dressed to the nines with my Sunday best -- way overkill for fast food. The manager looked over my application and asked me general questions.

"When can you work?" Anytime!

"Is nights okay?" Definitely!

"Why do you want to get off disability?" To which I answered that I wanted the prestige of a job and to be self supporting.

It was all rather straightforward and thankfully, he didn't ask about my disability or my mental illness. That would have ruined any chances of me getting the job. He told me he would call me by Thursday if I got the job. Doesn't sound promising, does it? I still haven't heard from Domino's Pizza and I am to turn in my application to McDonald's tomorrow at two. Ever onwards we go. I am damned determined to get a job that's for sure. Anything. Hire me! lol

I am so excited about working though. I am tired of my father willy nilly taking away my income and I will never get my disability put in a third party without an act of Congress. I just hope that mentally I can hold up once I start. It is going to be a bumpy ride so buckle up!


philth said...

Well done Andrew - I know how difficult it must have been to even step through the door for the interview.

Here's to the start of new things...

Andrew said...


Thank you very much. My anxiety was skyrocketing, but I didn't have an attack. It was a major step for me just to endure such a thing. Take care and thanks for the comment.


Living in my Car said...

Andrew, if you're not opposed to working retail start working the mall stores, Target, etc or whatever you have down there. Holidays are coming up and they will need seasonal help. That need is very high right about now. So you can work on one of those things knowing its seasonal to get the hang of being back in a job? Just a thought, good luck!

Anonymous Boxer said...

The interview is always the hardest part. I'm sure they will be thrilled to have someone as intelligent as you working for them. Just don't take on too many hours at first... you'll need to get used to working again. And standing on your feet for long periods of time.

Beautifully Profound said...

Hey Andrew,

Why don't you call Domino's? Employers like it when you take a little initiative. Especially since you are probably over-qualified for the job, you'd stand out even more than the average person who just drops off an application and is never heard from.

Anyways, the above commenter who suggested working retail during the holidays, although well meaning is damn near crazy for even mentioning that. I work at the mall and the holidays around here are a living hell. It would be worse for someone with social anxieties and I wouldn't recommend it. Rest assured there'd be tons of assholes to go around that probably wouldn't be a great start for a job seeker that hasn't worked in a while. If you are to consider it, I'd probably go with working somewhere you can just stock all day. Not somewhere where you have to be in direct contact with rabid Christmas shoppers.

Anyways, good luck. Take care.

savannah said...

sending positive vibes out your way! good luck, sugar1

Lynette said...

The interview is as important as getting the job for you right now. You are going to relearn how to respond in these situations. I agree, don't get too much on your plate at once. Congratulations on it going so well.

Lynette said...

The interview is as important as getting the job for you right now. You are going to relearn how to respond in these situations. I agree, don't get too much on your plate at once. Congratulations on it going so well.

CarmenSinCity said...

Nice work! You will get the job that you are meant to have. You are obviously doing the footwork and that's the most important thing. Just have faith, and it will all work out.

Gellianne said...

Well done.I always get nervous during interviews.I know you can get a job real soon.

mapiprincesa! said...


Josie Two Shoes said...

Way to go Andrew - you survived the interview! Your determination to work will help you handle a job once you get it. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to! I hope you are planning to start out part-time though, give yourself a chance to adjust to the workworld. Best of Luck, we're all pulling for you!

Peter Kudela said...

Hi mate,

u seem doing pretty well online, why do u want to burden yourself with Pizza work?

Your writing reads well, become an online writer, learn, research, do not have to commute, u can get the same money as in Pizza business...

Kelly Jene said...

Good for you Andrew. Sounds like it went well. You should be a shoe-in for a job. Agreeing to work whatever schedule they give you is what they want. If someone else came in and said no evenings... you'd get the job first.

Also, I don't know if McDonald's does this, but they might do an on-the-spot interview. So be ready!

Good luck and I'm so glad you had a good talk with your dad last night.

justLacey said...

Do you have a Walmart nearby? How about them? Or maybe Starbuck? I hear they have a good benefits package for even part timers.

Leann said...

Do you have a Goodwill where you are or a St Vincent De Paul's

I know they hire people with disabilities and help them get back on their feet.

Just a thought.

Andrew said...


I am being lazy about Wal-Mart as they have an ungainly in-store application process using a terminal. I am going to get to it eventually.


I applied at Goodwill, but maybe need to follow up on my application. I gave it to a peon like I will be and they probably just stuffed it under the counter. My mother told me last night to go ask about it.

Thanks for all the comments!



Good for you Andrew!! Good for you!!!!!!
Maybe a thank you card, personalized thanking them for their time -perhaps in whatever one you'd most likely be interested in...mail them a thank you card...

Happy Monday!!


P.S. What ever happened with your camera recall? Did you get it yet?

Pen and the Sword said...

I hope you get it, Andrew. This day and age it is not uncommon for an employer to go through all the applicants before officially hiring someone, so don't fret! The Domino's job sounds better than McDonald's. I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors. Definitely keep us posted!

Hope Springs said...

Hi Andrew,

Congratulations on getting through the job interview. I really enjoy reading your blog. Your openness is very refreshing.

mapiprincesa! said...

oooo...I like the autumnal look!

Glitglitgirl said...

Good Luck Andrew!!

PipeTobacco said...


Remember sir, moderation is the key to success.

This is a partial repeat of my earlier comment, because I think it still is very important to think about... MODERATION. Please consider a moderate approach where you attempt to earn EXTRA income instead of your ONLY income via a job. You do not wish to lose your SSDI benefits... both monetary and in terms of insurance by working a job full time. You need the insurance. You need the steady, reliable income.

If I were you, I would set the record straight with each employer you interview at... you will only be able to work a maximum number of hours a week to stay below this disability eligibility threshold. To work beyond that at this time would be setting yourself up for failure and only be giving yourself NOTHING of what you wish for and hope for from life.

You KNOW in your heart you need to keep insurance to acquire your medications for as long as our nation refuses to adopt national health care.

You KNOW that a 40 hour work week will be a daunting undertaking, one that you may not want to stick to, especially if you are unable to afford your medications without insurance.

MODERATION is to do the MIDDLE GROUND... to give yourself the opportunity to SUCCEED! Take the MODERATE approach in all things.

I think that you know in your heart that drinking mouthwash as a substitute for regular alcoholic beverages is NOT moderation.

I also think you know in your heart that having your father regulate your money so profoundly stringently is also NOT moderation.

I also think you know in your heart that anonymous individuals who chastise you about your grammar are simply trying to get your goat. Grammar is an important aspect to successful communication, but to expect 100% problem-free grammar... especially on a blog... that is NOT moderation.

I am sure you can see my message here... MODERATION. If you were to do ALL THINGS in your life moderately... there would be very little anyone could find fault with... including yourself. You are your own harshest critic at times, sir.

If I had a magic wand, I would ask you first, but presuming you said it was ok, I would wave that magic wand and change your designated payee, and wave another wand to have you live MODERATELY for four weeks... so you could see how much different that middle ground feels. But, there is no magic wand. Instead, all I can hope for is for you, my friend, to force yourself to adopt moderation for a few weeks, so you can prove to yourself how safe, comforting, and beautiful it can be.


PipeTobacco said...

And, sir:

Please keep trying to work at having your designated payee changed. Talk to your doctor. Since you are going there tomorrow, it would be a perfect opportunity for you to address this problem with her and have HER assist you in your goals... in a manner that is likely much more speedy than the route of your attempting this alone.


Jenn said...

I'm crossing my fingers for you!

Jessica said...

Hi Andrew,
I have been reading since July. I am excited for you and your job prospects! It will be scary, but you will feel good. Having a job will help fill up idle time, so you don’t have time to dwell on things so much. Have a great day! :)

Cheryl said...

Again, lots of good comments and advice here.

Love the new Fall banner. I hope you have a great night, my friend.

Josie Two Shoes said...

I love you new fall look too, Andrew - nice warm colors!

pai said...

Walmart also has an online application - go to their website

Then follow up with a call or go in person. The only thing that I see that might be a deterrent is if Caroline still works there.

Simply Curious said...

New reader here, but I have to say that it takes big balls to take a leap like that. I was on disability for years, and to give up that check and secure income coming in every month is a huge leap, because it's a bitch to get back on. from what I hear. I'm proud of you. :)


mommylk said...

Good for you! I did want to mention that the reason (most likely) that the interviewer did not ask you about your disability is because he is not legally permitted to ask those kinds of questions in an interview. They have to wait until they hire you before asking you any questions about the nature of the disability, and the accomodations you will need, if any. (Don't forget, too, that once you are hired, they have to make any reasonable accomodations necessary for you to do the job, provided that your disability does not prevent you from performing the "essential functions" of the job - which should be listed on the job description.) Good luck!

(And by the way, I, for one, enjoy reading about your relationships with your various family members, as well as your friends!)

Summer said...

Did you ever see the movie American Beauty? There was a scene when Lester interviewed for a job at fast food restaurant and what you said about yours reminded me of it. Very funny.

Pipe has some excellent advice. said...

Hang in there. I for one have mental problem, so they tell me. I am still able to perform my duties as a General Manager! I had also hired one before to help me do some data input for our Customer database.
You have a great story to tell.

mapiprincesa! said...

You keep us guessing with your blog template! :) I know you'll find something--funny how, when you're searching for one thing, you end up searching for everything else as well.

Josie Two Shoes said...

LOL, you've "redecorated" again! Keeping it interesting for us, aren't you?! :-) When I read in your profile about fearling that your life is boring when sober, it makes me chuckle. The only ones I've ever known who thought people who were drunk were fascinating, is the drinkers themselves. We love you just the way you are, Andrew - healthy and whole! My life is even less exciting than yours, but I find great comfort in the peaceful routine of it, so much better than the ups and downs of crazy living. Have a good day!

Portia said...

YAY:) good going, Andrew! something will come your way, just hang in there.

Mary said...

You have many people thinking of you and offering support. Don't ever think you're alone. Progress will be easier with every step you take.


seems like you can get what you have been waiting for, so happy for you andrew, congrats^^

Armando said...

I wish you the best succeed on that!

justLacey said...

WOW 41 comments!

Karin's Korner said...

Andrew, it is after 4 on Tuesday and no word from you, I was just getting a little worried. Hope everything is OK.

impromptublogger said...

I hope you hear back soon - waiting is awful! I love your fall theme!!!!