Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sir Andrew to You!

Dad's taken to calling me royalty.  He says I never come out of my house anymore unless there is a special occasion.  "Hope you bring your entourage this morning," he jokingly said after a phone call to see if I could get my cokes.   I just haven't felt well.  I spend most of my time these days laying in the bed listening to the radio.  Even the once treasured Internet has lost it's allure. 


Judy said...

I have missed you.

I'm The Momma, That's Why! said...

Me, too!

Do a little self un-depressing. Have one of your valets lay out your best grubby clothes.

Take a shower, get dressed and take your best friend outside for a while! Throw a stick - if she won't fetch, YOU go get it!

Get some fresh air, get some sun shine (even when it's cloudy it helps).

When you come back in, snuggle up and pant together . . .

A little fresh air and play - even when you don't feel like it - can really help!

We're here!

Grannie in Florida

Portia said...

This time of year can really drag. Holidays are over, but winter is still around. Sir Andrew, I hope you are able to make yourself comfy until the sun shines a little brighter.

Kathy said...

I know how that feels, Andrew. Excuse me, Sir Andrew. That's a fantastic suggestion about getting some fresh air and sunshine! I forced myself our today to work out at the gym and I feel so much better for doing it. The endorphin rush really beats away the blues. Keep us all posted on your progress.

anonymous said...

That's a good one: a queen calling you royalty.

Summer said...

Maybe it's winter blahs added to your every day battles. Next time the sun shines, go outside and turn your face towards the sun. See if it helps just a little. Squeeze Maggie for me and sweet dreams tonight.

Cheryl said...

And while you're out there, smile wide. Just for the heck of it. Smiling makes you happy you know, even if you have nothing special to smile about. Ladeda.

Jami said...

Andrew, you are going to make me give you my phone number, aren't you? Email me if you would like another support person close by. (The link in my profile.)

(M)ary said...

The cold weather has really, really been getting me down. I look forward to laying in bed and listening to the radio!!! I am just going through the motions at work, waiting for when I can go home and hide in my house with the cats and the dog.

Hang in there, Andrew! Maybe when spring hits, we will both feel better.