Thursday, August 05, 2004

Stay the course and George resurfaces……

I am slowly putting together a project I had planned for this week. The project is getting my car back on the road and making everything legally roadworthy. I got my Geo Tracker 4x4 towed yesterday to the shop after sitting for over a year at my ex-wife’s house with a bad wheel bearing. Today, I worked on getting affordable insurance for it. I got a great deal at cotton states insurance. My premium is $250 dollars every 6 months. That is for liability only though. My car is paid for and is a 1990 model so I just couldn’t justify full coverage. At least, I will be legal as it is against the law here to drive without, at least, liability coverage.

This afternoon, I walked down to wiggling pig to buy some sodas. They have Fanta 2 liters on sell for 67 cents each. I just couldn’t pass that up. As I walked up to the store, I recognized a familiar car and voice. Yes, it was George all right. I got to find out what really happened to him last week.

“George, where in the hell have you been?” I asked with a smile and a hand shake.

“George be locked…..” Slop started to say but George cut him off.

“Shut up nigga, its my story.” George cried out at Slop.

“Well, what happened man?” I asked again.

“I gots busted for drinkin in publics again.” George said.

“Slop said you got busted for pot.” I replied.

“Slop be a lyin nigga and he knows it.” George said while giving Slop a nasty look.

Slop just shrugged his shoulders and giggled. He apparently was enjoying this exchange.

“Man, haven’t I told you about drinking out here in public in front of this store? You always get busted when you do that shit.” I said.

George just laughed and said, “Fuck dem police man. They just out to keep a brotha down.”

“What were you drinking anyways?” I asked.

“The rose man, the rose.” George replied.

“The rose?” I asked not understanding.

“Wild Irish Rose.” George blurted out.

Wild Irish Rose is an extremely cheap and potent “wine” (if you could call that nasty stuff wine) sold at the Pig. The stuff is like drinking cough syrup and has a reputation of being preferred by winos.

“Jesus man, that stuff is nasty. No wonder you got busted as that stuff will mess you up.” I said as I laughed. George just laughed along with me.

“Well, let me grab my stuff and head to the house. It is hot as hell out here.” I said.

“Lata my brotha. Lata.” George replied.

As I started to walk away, Slop broke in with a question.

“Could you spares me a dolla friend?” Slop asked.

This happens everytime with Slop and it gets old.

“Shutup nigga, that white boy ain’t given you shit.” George hollered as he took off his cap and hit Slop on the head with it.

I just laughed and went about my business. I was glad to dodge that question. I was also eager to get out of the heat as it was sweltering today. I bought my sodas and headed back to my cool apartment.

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