Friday, August 27, 2004

Thoughts on college……

I am sitting here with a piping hot cup of coffee browsing the web looking for more information on social work. I am seriously tempted to go back to school to become a social worker. I realize that it will be a sometimes trying job especially with court ordered clients but I want to help others. I have learned lately that one of the best ways I can help myself is through helping others.

What other fields deal with helping others such as social work or rehabilitation? If you have any ideas please post them. I would be interested in exploring my possibilities.

I don’t have the stamina or money to be a psychiatrist. That was my first choice but I must be realistic. I don’t think I could make it through medical school. That and I don’t think I could secure the loans and pay them off this late in my life.

I wonder if there is such a thing as a mental health counselor or I could be a therapist. Those are things that have just come to mind. I will do some more surfing and see what the World Wide Web puts before me. I am very excited and motivated for this.

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