Friday, August 13, 2004

The survivalist……

I have been gone all day. I have been in the country trying out some things. I wanted to see if I could build a fire by using the US Armies field guide to survival. Was I successful? No, lol, it was a failure but I tried. I did learn some important lessons though.

I was trying to make a classical fire starter. The one with a bow, stick, and plank of wood. You had to scrap off fine shavings of bark onto a plank with a depression for the friction stick and then continuously row the bow until you got a good spark. I bet I tried a hundred times to no avail. I did get lots of smoke but no fire. I finally gave up after my arms grew so tired I thought they would break. The arm that I broke a few months ago is sore as heck.

I did see a large group of turkey hens and their progeny. I was sitting in a clearing by the pond smoking my pipe. I was being real quiet. They walked out of the woods and began to drink. I sat there paralyzed. I was afraid that if I moved so much as an inch I would scare them off. I felt a sneeze coming on in the bright sunlight and I tried to stifle it. AAAA-CHEW!!!!!! Turkeys went flying everywhere. If I were a hunter, I could have gotten off some good shots though. Note to self……If you need to hunt, hunt near a water source such as the pond.

I am home now but wish I were elsewhere. Having a car lets me go so many places and do things that would otherwise be out of my reach. I am seriously tempted to take a road trip next week but I must take my great aunt to get groceries Wednesday and spend the night. My responsibilities here keep me from going out of town. I will just have to wait until the opportune moment arrives.

Well, let me close. I have a pot of strong coffee percolating and my pipe waits. I am going to sit out on the porch and enjoy the night time sounds. After that, I am going to crawl into the bed and start a new book. Sounds comforting don’t it? Good night and take care.

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