Friday, August 12, 2005

Love under the Stars on a Country Night, Almost

“Take me out to the country and make love to me under the stars,” She said one night not long after we had gotten married. “I have always wanted to experience that.”

I was intrigued by this suggestion. My ears pricked up like a horse after hearing her say this. This was as close to camping as she would ever allow herself to become involved with.

“You sure?” I asked. “It is a long drive and there are animals out there. It might not be what you really want or expect.”

“Can we go tonight?” She pleaded.

I looked at the clock above our television and then out the window noticing the sun had began to set.

“To the country we shall go,” I replied.

I walked out to my truck and let the convertible top down. I also put a quilt on the back seat for us to lie upon. I walked back inside to see if she was ready to go.

“Honey, you ready?” I called out into the house.

She was in the bathroom putting on makeup.

“I am almost ready,” She said loudly with excitement beyond the closed door.

Soon, she stepped out of the bathroom and we both walked outside and climbed into my truck. It was a pleasant drive out into the country with the sounds of katydids and crickets calling all around us, and with the cool, night air blowing in our hair. We finally reached the pond my family owns and drove down the long dirt road to privacy. A full moon hung on the horizon and helped illuminate our dark surroundings. I got out of the truck and so did she. I unfolded the quilt and threw it upon the ground on the edge of the pond. We both lay down upon it and looked up at the stars that unfolded above us in the night sky.

“It is so beautiful out here,” She said as she lay on her back.

“You can’t see stars like that in the city,” I replied.

She leaned over and kissed me passionately and started to undress. The milky white luminescence of the full moon illuminated her skin. Her bare shoulders and breasts glowed in the moonlight.

“Make love to me,” She said as she pulled me closer to her.

Suddenly, a crash rang out in the woods nearby. The sound of abruptly broken limbs and twigs echoed out across the pond. My ex-wife froze in fear. I could feel her pulse and breathing rate go crazy in my arms.

“What was that?” She asked.

“Probably just deer,” I replied nonchalantly as I tried to resume our kissing and fondling session.

“No, wait,” She said. “Did you hear that as well?”

I sounded like something walking in the woods just a few hundred yards from us.

“Rachel, it is just deer,” I said. “Believe me. They are harmless.”

She quickly put on her bra and shirt and clamored for the safety of my truck; so much for making love under the stars. A few deer had completely ruined our amorous affair. It was a long drive home in silence as the mood had been spoilt.

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