Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Obligations Fulfilled

Today was the day of my injection. I took it like a man. I have grown to be kind of like Norm off of the venerable sitcom Cheers down at the doctor’s office. Everyone greets me by name as I walk in and sign the register.

“Andrew!” The receptionist and the nurses will proclaim.

“Hey ya’ll,” I reply. “I am here to get the ole shot in my posterior for posterity.”

Today was kind of weird though due to where my nurse Andrea injected the shot. She injected it into the small of my back and not my buttock. I was like, “WTF?” I didn’t say anything though and was just glad to get it over with. I did have visions of my kidney being punctured by that 3 to 4 inch needle. I will have to wait and see if it affects the effectiveness of my medication the next few days.

I noticed this morning on the drive down that gas prices are at an all time high. I think gas is running around $2.50 a gallon now. It sure hasn’t slowed down anybody’s driving habits. Highway 29 was filled as usual with people hitting the fast food restaurants and the local, evil super Wal-Mart. It was back to back traffic all the way down to my doctor’s office.

I don’t want to get drawn and quartered over this next statement, but I hope prices double even more. I think we need a big change in our economy over peak oil and hitting people’s pocket books and wallets with outrageous prices might just do the trick. We need more bike trails, car pooling, walking, and public transportation. The “cult of the car” that exists in my town and I suppose most other towns in America needs to wither and die.

Of course, I am lucky that I never have to drive much. I can get by on $5 dollars of gas a week and that is normally what I put in my car. I walk or ride my bike if I need groceries, drinks, or tobacco. My doctor’s office is too far away to walk to or bike to though so I do need my car for that but that is only every few weeks.

Well, I am now off to plan a little adventure for this weekend. I am going to do some long distance hiking this weekend to test out my gear in preparation for my big hike next month. I need to seam seal my tent and check my water filter and other sundry things. Let me go get busy.

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