Thursday, April 05, 2007

Finding Religion

George was in a fine mood today. He was actually sober which surprised me greatly. We got caught in a conversation about all things related to religion…

“I think I am gonna start going to church with momma again,” George told me after a lengthy discussion about the holy trinity.

I smiled broadly, amused. This was not the first time George has said something along those lines. George will go a few Sundays until it grows too tiresome to stay sober long enough to make it to church.

“You don’t have a religious bone in your body,” I replied, pulling on a cigar, as I continued to smile and listen earnestly.

“I’m serious,” George said. “I feel Jesus calling me home. He be talkin’ to me.”

“If I were to say that, they would lock me up on the psychiatric ward of the hospital and up the dosages of my meds.”

George burst out laughing at me saying that.

“Do you think religious people are actually crazy?” George asked.

“Let’s just say I think religious people are interesting,” I replied. “I wouldn’t go so far as calling them crazy, although, I’ve met a few fundamentalist preachers with a few screws loose.”

I really didn’t want to get into another tiresomely long and drawn out discussion with George about God and things theological, so I carefully bid him farewell escaping the conversation and walked on around to the back of the shopping center. I then saw Dumpster Diving Dan leaning over into a dumpster picking through the trash. Dan is looking haggard these days as if he is ill of health. He just seems to not be taking care of himself. Dan has to be in his mid sixties, although, I don’t know his exact age. I didn’t stop to talk and just walked on home. I was feeling anti-social today and my social gas had run out with the long discussion with George. Ferret or Rosa was nowhere to be seen today.


KYRIE said...

I guess ur feelin bad bout the tests. But I am sure it will come back negative. Try to enjoy ur Easter weeknd n dont fret so much.
Rosa still livin so u probably have not caught anything deadly. She is an old dame right.. so she has survived so long!
U should not laugh at George. Try to be supportive since this could be the only way for him to recover.
He is not prepared to get help frm anywhere else right? Church support groups might be his only answer. Tell him to ask for help frm his church.

Augs Casa said...

Good to hear George is on the wagon if only for a day or two. I hope Dan is alright. The thoughts and pictures in my mind about these folks are intriging.I really enjoy your writing.

Be well Amigo

Dave said...

I haven't gone all the way back in your posts; but, though you mention Dan, he never has anything to say.

What say, you talk to him and let us know what the result is?

Anonymous said...

If only Dan could find some fresh food in the dumpster...

Anonymous said...

You should go to a black church where they sing gospel music. It's really uplifting.

DraMa said...

This is in no way meant to be mean spirited but I have to laugh at this.. It's so ironic that when you weren't on meds, years ago, you would hear God speaking to you. And now, you are agnostic. It's just humorous irony Andrew:)

I will always respect your views, regardless of what they are!

Andrew said...


I laugh about it these days as well. You know you need medications when Jesus is talking to you through the television. I tend to be all black or white. I can't find the middle ground.



Summer said...

Just stopping by to say hello. I'm reading, as always, just have been totally tired this week. Sleep eludes me these days. Don't worry about the test results. Love you!

fiwa said...

I understand about sweating the test results, but try not to worry, I am sure you will be fine.

I love the new template look!

austere said...

Lovely template. It is burning, scorching hot here.

ej said...

Hi, I would like to invite you to

Caviar said...

Pretty neat idea for a blog, story-booking it the way you are. I'd be kinda worried that someone who didn't like being blogged about for the world to see would be offended by you posting "private conversations" though, eh? Has anyone bugged you? No matter, it's still really cool.

Patty said...

My problem isn't with God, but with some of the leaders of oganized religion and their tendancy/need to control their congregations. If they really studied the Good Book, they would find that that was not Jesus's style.