Saturday, April 21, 2007

Morning Dawns

I stayed up all night working on my novel. I have finished five chapters so far. It is a fictional piece about a family of share croppers growing up in the great depression of the South in the thirties. I have titled it Hardscrabble Times. I am modeling it after my grandmother’s life. I may start serializing the novel if any of you are interested in reading it. I will chop it up into blog friendly tidbits.

Rosa cooked breakfast this morning which consisted of those canned Pillsbury biscuits, orange juice, and coffee in the kitchen upstairs.

“God, I need a cigarette,” Was the first thing she said after walking downstairs after breakfast.

I watched as she stepped into my den to light one and stood there smoking.

“What are you looking at?” She said as she smiled.

“Oh, just you,” I said. “I do the same thing first thing in the morning. That first smoke after sleeping all night is the best of the day.”

I just wish I could sleep like Rosa. She managed seven hours of sleep last night. I am seriously contemplating getting a sleep aid, but worry that with my obsessive compulsive addictive mind I will get hooked or will abuse them.

Well, let me get a shower, take Rosa home, and get this day going.


Summer said...

Isn't it great to have friends?

My grandparents had such a hard life. Their drive and tenacity make me feel like such a lump.


I know this may seem far fetched,..but try lavender behind your ears (if you can stand the smell) there's something about the soothing nature of it that puts people into relaxtion mode.
I would also strongly urge you to start keeping a sleeping journal..if it's easier, buy those little colored dots and on each one put 1-2hours 2-3hours, 3-4hours,..etc...
every morning after waking put the sticker on your calendar journal based on how ever many hours you slept the nite prior. IT may help you being to see a pattern...
Just a thought.

Crusty :)

Roxan said...

Don't post anything on your blog you are considering submitting for publication. Otherwise it sounds like it could be interesting.

KYRIE said...

Yes, Roxan is right. Copyright issues and all. But yeah, great job on completing so much chapters already! High five!

ale said...

what's the problem? you just cant sleep or you is it that you dont sleep well. I've been having the problem that I wake up every day at 2 am or 4 am or both in one night!! I'm sooooo tired, I guess i'll follow the lavender advice that crustybeef commented.

Anyway, well, let me introduce myself. My name is Alejandra. I found yor blog by accident. I live in Spain, and i'm also trying to write a novel. This is why your blog got me interested. I haven't read it all, but I ceartainly will.

Thanks for sharing yourself!

I'll invite you to read my blog. Well you're welcome to read it, but I don't know if you can understand spanish...


Christopher said...

You have a great blog, I enjoy reading it every day. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself. -Tammy

Icy said...

I stumbled upon this blog by accident, and I have to say, it's the best accident I've had in a long time. Nice writing.


Moonroot said...

I wouold love to read some of your novel, but I have to agree with R
roxan & kyrie about not posting anything if you are hoping to get it published. We will just have to be patient and wait for the book!

Moonlink said...

After a serious operation, my normal sleep patterns were disrupted. I re-established them by taking one tablet of 3mg melatonin about half an hour before sleep. Conk !! ZZZZZZZZZ.
Melatonin is non additive, but it is a hormone so after your sleep pattern is re-established only use it when you truly need it.

In two months, I re-established my sleep patterns, and have successfully maintained them by taking 2 500mg of calcium and drinking a cup of chamomille tea half an hour before bedtime.
Calcium acts as a muscle relaxant, and chamomille soothes the mind. I now use melatonin once or twice a year.

Don't use Celestial Tea SleepyTime Tea, as it contains mint and peppermint. Mint and peppermint will relax the sphinter muscle of your esophagus, and you'll experience acid reflux
while your are sleeping. NOT GOOD.

Moonlink said...

CLARIFICATION : Two Tablets of 500 mg of Calcium Citrate. It works.

La Bee-yotch said...

hi andrew
i am sure your sleep troubles are difficult. i will second moonlink's suggestion of melatonin. my husband and i used it this last winter when we were going through a stressful period and only sleeping a few hours at night before waking up and not able to go back to sleep. we took 3 mg as well, and it re-established our sleep patterns so we were able to sleep a full night (or close to it--sometimes life/work forces you to cut corners). we went off it at different times, but once we went off it, we have still been sleeping fine. as moonlink said, it's nonaddictive, but you want to be sure to take it about 20 minutes before you want to go to sleep. if you take it and keep puttering around without getting into bed, then you'll miss the "sleep window" and it doesn't work so well. anyhow, good luck! i like your blog and your generous spirit. i found it by pressing blogger's "next blog" button one night because occasionally i like to randomly blogsurf. you are a find.

b said...

Just wanted to say I've really enjoyed reading your blog. Also, since you're writing about Southern sharecroppers during the Great Depression, I thought I'd recommend a book:

Tobacco Road by Erskine Caldwell

austere said...

Well would love to read it, but you need to check on the copyright stuff?

evalinn said...

I didn´t know u where writing on a novel Andrew, that sounds so exciting. For years I´ve been wanting to write, but I never seem to find enough time to do much about it, thought one day it will happen...good luck with your writing!