Monday, April 27, 2009

Bad Breath...

George's boss got onto him about smelling alcohol on his breath today at work.

"At least I wasn't drunk," George told me and laughed.

George laughed and laughed and thought it was the funniest thing.

"He doesn't know that," I replied of his boss, wishing George would take the occurrence a little more seriously.

I still have to have my cup of coffee and my Little Debbie donut sticks every morning thus my reason for being there.

I left Fat's and took a long drive down through the valley.  Something I never do because of my anxiety attacks.  It felt good to be "free."  Without a care in the world as the early morning air blew through my cap-less hair with the window rolled down.    


Leann said...

I love driving just for the joy of it.

Seth Martin Ward said...

I use to love, if someone will drive, I will be content to just sit there and enjoy the ride. I'll even pay for the gas. Just don't hand me the keys. I drive in most weeks what a normal driver drives in a month, a month in a year and a year in 10 years......I'm glad yo felt free though. It's moments like those that keep me holding on most days.....

Lena said...

Panic free is a great thing to be.

Good for u.

Kathy said...

Free and sober! You should be proud of yourself.

josie2shoes said...

I love the great perspective you have on things now days, Andrew. There is nothing I love more than to get out away from everyone and everything and just drive down the road enjoying the scenery - it is so peaceful and relaxing!