Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Not a Killing Frost...

Dad was off today when I went to get my colas.  He was in his robe with the most raggedy bedroom slippers on.

"What was the low last night?" he asked me.

"30," I replied.

"Close call," dad said. "But I don't think it was a killing frost."

Mom had acted ugly to me yesterday and didn't even remember it today when I went back to her room to get cigarettes. 

"Hey there!" she said gleefully, poking her head out of the covers.

"Hey mom," I replied.

"Only take one carton of cigarettes," she told me.

"Okay," I replied, not understanding why it mattered.

So that is my boring life this morning.  I am now home watching Court TV on my computer while Maggie lies on the bed in my computer room. 


Leann said...

It's been cold here also at night. We've lost the sun and it's back to the overcastness that perpectuates Spring here.

Enjoy your day!

happyone said...

It was 30 here too this morning - too cold for April. It has warmed up to 50 now though.
I saw a few snow flurries yesterday afternoon.

C.A. said...

On my drive to work yesterday at about 6 a.m. the moon was HUGE and beautiful, and I thought of you, my friend. Hope you and Maggie have a perfect day. I will be watching a little Court TV today, too, as I am off! :) My guilty pleasure, LOL.

Enjoy your day, A.

