Sunday, April 26, 2009

Feast or Famine...

Helen has asked me Friday what I wanted to eat.  "Cabbage," I told her. "What else?" she asked. "Surprise me," I said.  Helen cooked country fried steak, macaroni and cheese, and a pan of her delicious biscuits with the boiled cabbage.  I went from famine to feast in two days.  I have been making sandwiches out of the steak for the past few days. 

I took Maggie on her walk early this morning before the heat hit.  As usual, she had a wonderful time.  You should see how excited she gets to go on these little forays around the neighborhood.  

Maggie has developed on little quirk for which I am trying to get her to quit.  She will go out at 2 or 3 in the morning and bark in the back of the yard near the neighbors house.  I have been getting her inside and blocking the dog door.   She is not happy about that as I am sure the neighbors aren't happy about her barking all night near their house.  


glittermom said...

Its always nice to have left overs...

Tee said...

That meal sounds wonderful!

I would be really upset with Maggies's barking at night. You might want to keep her inside at night to keep peace in the neighborhood. There might be a noise ordiance about barking dogs.

Lena said...

Helen is a Godsend, isn't she?

(M)ary said...

oh dear, sorry to hear about the 2AM barkies! my dog would bark when he heard the 3am train. he has either gotten used to the train noise or the train changed its schedule because now he waits until 5am.

Justfly said...

I would love to have a Helen in my life!

Leann said...

The food sounds yummy!!

Interesting Maggie quirk.