Wednesday, April 29, 2009

March of the Maggie...

Maggie and I left for our walk late this afternoon.  Much dancing and prancing occurred while I tried to put on Maggie's harness.

Down the street in a fence is a dog I call "the mop."  It is the canine version of Cousin It.  Maggie loves to socialize with the mop.  Tails wagging, they come as close to as they can in the butt sniffing department.  And they say adversity fosters innovation.

After leaving the mop, Maggie and I head for the elementary school down the road.  It is about a mile and I turn around to return.  There are usually some kids on the playground and Maggie barks to let them know who is boss.

A moment ago, I was over at my father's house.  He and J.W. had been working in the yard all day.  The work was done and dad had his sprinkler system going.  We both remarked how much my siblings and me would have loved to play in that sprinkler. 

I then ate supper with mom and dad.  Dad had prepared some pimento cheese sandwiches and they were delicious with chips and some of dad's iced tea.  I drove home a happy man and even had a sandwich for Maggie. 


Cherie/ Butterfly Dreamer said...

Maggie is prancing because she loves her daddy and loves walking with him.

Leann said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful day Andrew.

forsythia said...

When Mom moved in with us 9 years ago, she brought a grey-and-white longhaired cat with her named Sadie. We never warmed up to Sadie. My husband called her "the dustmop." So I LOL'd about the dog mop.

Seth Martin Ward said...

It's a good thing that we have evolved enough so that we don't still sniff each other's wouldn't want to meet most truck would be like smelling a bowl full of dingle berries stewed in ass juices....mmmmmm good.