Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh Rebecca, How I Love You...

My usual nurse, Rebecca, has been out on maternity leave since before Christmas.  It is so very good to have her back.  Today was my injection and she makes it a pleasant experience.  We bantered back and forth about various things as she prepared my shot.

"I have missed you so much," I told her. "You just don't know."

You could see her beam with pride as she said, "I am glad to be back."

We tried my left butt cheek this morning.  Rebecca insists on changing every other time.  I didn't bleed or feel any pain.

"You have the magic touch with that shot," I said.

Rebecca is to ask my doctor today about the prescription of clonazepam he prescribed for me, but never gave me.  I hope he will call it in to the drug store.    I have four clonazapam to last me until next month. 


becomingkate said...

So many excellent nurses helped me when my late husband was sick. They were Angels!
Glad that your fave nurse is back, and I hope she gets your script worked out.

(M)ary said...

lucky you! no pain no blood.i had an allergy shot today and it hurt like heck. AND it bled just enough to leave a small spot on the sleeve of my white shirt.

don't mind me,i am feeling whiney today.

Kelly Jene said...

I'm glad you don't experience pain with it! I can't stand shots! Yuck!

Cheryl said...

I don't see why they wouldn't fill your prescription since you should have had it. I hope they do. Glad your favorite nurse is back for you.

Leann said...

It's good to hear it went well Andrew. It's nice to find good health care professionals.

Kathy said...

Nurses are truly angels, aren't they?