Friday, April 24, 2009

Blessings, Dear Mother...

Mom brought a veritable cornucopia of food yesterday.  I was out of anything to eat for several days and was subsisting on coffee and donut sticks at Fat Albert's with the three dollars mom gives me everyday.  If I told mom I was out of food, then she would go into crisis mode and it would piss off my father.  So mum was the word.

Been camping out much of this week and spending less and less of my days on the Internet.  One of the main reasons I quit camping was that I associated it with drinking and my homeless days.  The urge is still there, but not so pronounced.

I think I've encountered a drastic change in brain chemistry these past few weeks.  Something miraculously occurred and I can watch TV again after not being able to watch in years.   I am fascinated by the Home Shopping Network and ShopNBC.  I want to be a jewelry designer and collector.  Maybe it is some of my father's gay genes coming out in me.  


justLacey said...

Andrew sometimes you are so funny. I am worried that you ran out of food. Maybe stash some stuff away each time mom brings groceries. Frozen dinners and such. Kind of a stash for lean times.

kristi said...

Do you like Ramen noodles? Ask her to buy a lot and stash them.

Kathy said...

Or you're just artistic!

forsythia said...

Everyone should have a mom! :-)

impromptublogger said...

You certainly don't have to be gay to be artistic, although percentage wise there is probably some truth to it. I guess if I had money I'd be more interested in that sort of thing - we can barely keep our house in working condition as it is.

NellJean said...

Three dollars would buy a box of oatmeal, which goes a long way keeping soul and body together until you have something else. Cook it in the microwave.

Instead of coffee, buy a milk for the oatmeal.

geelizzie said...

hey, glad you're okay, we were all getting a little worried because you hadn't posted all week! if you are interested in jewelry design, check out some of the jewelry on, also it's really easy to set up a shop there if you ever want to try selling online.

Lena said...

Glad to see a post from you and that you are OK.

(M)ary said...

ah! your mother is the grocery queen!

i like kristi's suggestion for ramen noodles. i have been into ramen noodles lately. i sometimes add a boiled egg or chili sauce or mushrooms are all of the above to spice it up.(oh,and today i threw some greens into the ramen noodles.)

ps...home shopping network? i have never seen that!


you are too funny...

:) glad you have some food!! Just wait until you see the marvel in the RUGSTICK from Woolight, you'll switch to infomercials like your friend, me. :)

happy weekend!
had a nice thunderstorm last night and it made me think of you , as always!


Tammi said...

I agree w/ Kristi..believe me,I've had to eat my share of Ramen noodles,and boy-o-boy you can add almost anything to those suckers and make a meal out of them.
I hear ya about the TV thing--I just recently have been able to sit still through an entire movie.
I guess I can thank good ol Xanax for THAT

josie2shoes said...

Glad to see you back, I was wondering what you were up to. Camping out sounds like fun and I love that you can now enjoy it without the need to drink. I go thru phases with tv, reading, blogging, sudoku, etc. Sometimes I love it, sometimes can't stand it. I'm glad you can relax enough to watch tv when you want to.

Leann said...

It's good to see you back Andrew. I love camping!! Can't wait for the weather to warm up a bit more here.

Cheryl said...

I remember your camping days well. This is probably an ideal time of year to do it. Enjoy, my friend. I can hear the peepers and would love to be in a tent right now (on an air mattress).

The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

a lot of the time when i read your blog i feel that you could be writing about me!

i make jewelry, but mostly weird stuff like earrings with monopoly houses or keyboard keys.

Tee said...

I read with interest the comment about $3 for a box of oatmeal. Over here in GA you can get a box for 91 cents at the Kroger. Stash you a couple of boxes and one or two of those boxes of milk that doesn't have to be refrigerated until you open it.

Glad you are back, was missing your posts.

Tokyo Biker Mommy said...

I second geelizzie on It's a fun site to browse - it's amazing how creative people are and can give you some great ideas.

I also like the oatmeal suggestion. I find ramen noodles too tempting - i'll eat them up even when i'm not out of other food. :) I like oatmeal but it's not what i go for as a midnight snack so it's a good bet that i'll have some around when everything else is gone. :)

Thanks for the amusing post.

Seth Martin Ward said...

The biggest weekly cost to me living on the road is food. It's so F*&KING expensive.....Some drivers have bigger trucks, my company goes with the smallest ones so we don't have alot of room, and they have a small fridge, microwave and storage space to stock items to cook. They save alot by going to Wal-Hell and stocking up on stuff. I keep my expenses down on drinks by buying stuff at Wal-Hell and chips and fiber bars, but it sucks going into a Truck Stop and having to pay more for food that if I went to a regular McDonald's would cost less.....Enjoyed reading your latest writings. Homelessness sucks ass.....Keep on keeping on.