Sunday, July 22, 2007

Canine Bravado

Hair bristling. Tail erect. My faithful companion goes bounding out the backdoor for her 5 a.m. bathroom break. Every corner of the yard is carefully inspected for the errant feline, nocturnal squirrel, or creature of the night. A sinking feeling overcomes me as Maggie then begins to bark loudly. "Crap," I will mutter. "The neighbors are going to hate me." Luckily, this fit of canine insanity soon passes.

Business is finally done. The grass is scratched exuberantly in a show of canine cockiness and bravado. "Look at me! I can pee! And this is my yard!" Maggie seems to broadcast. Our final bounding leads us through the backdoor as I lean down upon one knee to rub and congratulate her. "I love you, girl," I say as I scratch her back and she licks me upon my face and wiggles like a wiggly worm. This happens every morning and never fails to make me smile. I don't know what I would do without my faithful canine companion.


justLacey said...

I know just how you feel!

echokrns said...

dogs are the best friends in the world!! Loyal and loving no matter what mood you are in or what you might do....such unconditional love is a wonder, don't you think?

impromptublogger said...

Don't discourage your dog from barking too much. You never know when it can save your life or at least your property. My doxie who is a great watchdog started barking at 4 am Monday morning - not usual for him. It turned out someone was breaking into my car. He did take one thing but it could have been much worse if Max had not alerted us. The funny thing is that our other dog is old and deaf, but she will bark if Max is barking too. I think he has potentially saved us in other situations too.

Its Tishy said...

I can see the whole thing in my head....Maggie sounds like such a sweet, sweet dog. My 2 doxies bark mostly when they hear noises that people make out side and when people come to the door, nothing gets by my can get annoying but hey, It's there job!! There is no sneaking into my house LOL
Have a great day, and Maggie too!

Aimee said...

Would love for you to post a picture of Maggie!

Eric said...

You had me laughing at Maggie's thought

Scarlet Dux said...

My parents terrier used to do the same thing only he would find an innocent minding its own business hedgehog and bark and bark and bark until my Dad would get up and throw the offending hedgehog over the fence. He then would feel all was well with his quarter acre world and go back to sleep.


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