Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I have been very pleased over these last few months to watch Rosa and her daughter's relationship blossom. Rosa called me tonight ecstatically telling me of her daughter leaving Rosa's granddaughter to stay with her until next Monday. This was a momentus occasion and a major step in Rosa regaining year's lost trust with her daughter.

"My mother always said I was good for nothing," Rosa said over the line. "I want to prove her wrong."

"What's your granddaughter doing now?" I asked.

"She's sitting in the floor watching one of the three channels my TV will pick up," Rosa replied.

I smiled as I changed the phone from one ear to the other.

"Are you still going to come get us in the morning?" Rosa then asked.

"I thought we would drive down to the Waffle House for breakfast and then ride out to the playground at the park by the lake."

"Thank you," Rosa said. "Thank you for helping me make this special."

I hung up the phone to escape to the porch to smoke tonight's last cigarillo. "Thank you," I thought of Rosa, wishing I had her back on the phone so I could tell her in person. "Thank you for giving my life so much meaning these past months and for being there when all my fair weather friends such as George deserted me."

My neighbor, Joyce, had showed up again earlier this afternoon knocking on my door bearing gifts of snacks and garden grown tomatoes.

"I just wanted to officially welcome you to the neighborhood," she said as she stepped inside. "I called your mother and asked her what your favorite snack foods were."

Joyce had brought Chex snack mix which will just devastate my diet. I can eat a whole bag in a matter of hours sitting reading a book. I will have to fast for a day after tomorrow to make up for my overindulgence.

"I still want to wash your car for you every month when I wash mine," I told her as I walked her back outside.

"Oh, I wish you wouldn't keep saying that," she said out of neighborly modesty. "I don't want you to go to any trouble."

"I insist," I said, not giving up an inch. I was determined to do something to help her as she is a single woman, living alone, and unable to do this herself.

It has been a good, but busy day. Now, it is time to curl up on the couch with this week's book of me and my father's book reading marathon. I find reading fascinating now that I am aspiring to be a writer one day.


Sous Gal said...

It’s always a pleasure to read your blog and your postings. No! They are not boring :) It is more wonderful to read of your new home, your neighbours, your community, the admirable manner in which you are re-creating your relationship with your father who so loves you dearly. And most of all please pass on my good wishes and gratitude to Rosa, your newest and dear friend. Reading of my good friend being taken care of so well by such a dear heart is comforting as well as inspiring. Continued good wishes for all the good things you so deserve. Even though you will say you don’t….you do. :)

Cheryl said...

I got home late from my dinner out with my friend Kit and just caught up on all you had to write about your day. It sounds like it was much better than yesterday. So, do you think there's going to be any jealousy between Rosa and Joyce? Two single ladies and you? Three can be a crowd, you know.

I'm going to lay in front of my fan and get back into my book. It's so good. I think you and your father would enjoy it. How will you be choosing what books to read?

Eric said...

I am not given to excessive displays of emotion or even discussions of my own emotions, but I have to tell you, Andrew, that while I read this post, my heart soared and I wanted to shout. It makes me heart-glad to see people reunite, to see people given and taking a second chance, and to see people who desperately need a support network have one grow up all around them.

Thank you so very much for sharing!

justLacey said...

Do you like Gardetto's? I could eat a whole bag of those too. You have lovely friends and neighbors.

Andrew said...


I've never tried it, but if it was similar to Chex, I am sure I would love it. Thanks for your comments. We seem to be up at the same time of the morning every day. Now, I need to go write up something for today.


Andrew said...


Rosa has already made a few snarky comments that I have found a "new girlfriend." Joyce is 61 and kind of beyond the age of dating. Her daughter is my age and went to high school with me so that tempers Rosa's jealousy some. Hope you and kit had a great meal and I look forward to reading about it.


Terri said...

I'm so glad to finally read of something good between Rosa and her daughter; I've been seriously curious and hopeful that they could make it work. I'm like Eric and love to see people reunite!


WOW! Reading what you wrote about Rosa, caused my eyes to tear up over this mornings coffee.
What a wonderful friend you are. Rosa is very lucky.
Good point, Cheryl about three's the crowd..I'm sure there'll be a few stories in the future as the relationship evolves more with Joyce (more like Andrew said, probably regarding her daughter.)
Have a great time with the little one..I bet you'll return home tired. :)

C. R. Morris said...

I love Chex Mix! YUM! And I totally understand about the reading/writing deal. I pick up and see different ideas/methods when I read a large number of authors. As for Rosa, I can see what an awesome addition to your life that she is. If nothing else, just let her read this post.