Monday, July 16, 2007


I will never forget the time my ex-girlfriend, Carolyn, asked me, "How do you do it? How do think of something to write every day?" I had built her a computer, got her on the internet, and had made the mistake of letting her read this anonymous blog. "I can not, not do it," was my reply. Writing is part and parcel of who I am.

People think they know me from what I share on this journal. I have said often that you are getting little snapshots of my life. Little missives I care to share. I didn't write about staying up all night drinking diet coke, or the call at 11:50 PM from Rosa about her fears of being a bad grandmother and mother that was too intimate to share. Some things are best filed in the rainy day folder in the writing memory bank. I do probably share more than most, though.

I was so worried when I moved into this house, far removed from my usual haunts, that I wouldn't have anything to write about – the blog would just wither and die. No George and the gang. Little of Rosa as she can no longer just walk over. I couldn't write about my daily journeys and walks into downtown, or over to Rodger's Barbecue to eat lunch. I can't just go camping because I have to be hand-fed my medications every night. The exact opposite has happened. This move has forced me to be more introspective and creative with my writing – trying to make each little moment I share with you count and to be an enjoyable-to-read anecdote of my life. I hope you enjoy the next chapter in this journey and of my writing career as I share it upon the blog. And thanks for reading.


~Vital~ said...

Andrew, I think you could write about cat liter and it would be magicial. Love your post no matter what they are about...I think I'm a lifer now, you've got me hooked.

Té la mà Maria - Reus said...

We have spent a good moment in his blog congratulations
Regards from Catalonia Spain

Joaninha (percy) said...

you're good. go on :)*** kiss

C. R. Morris said...

I think your blog is wonderful, obviously since I keep reading it.. but I have noticed that it seems to have gotten a bit of fresh air lately. And it looks great on your blog!


you are right: you do share more than others do (I wish I could improve that)
about us seeing the tidbits: you have every right to keep your thoughts divided. It's your blog.

You are magical. You have an art when words are placed on your posting.
You're very blessed.
what'd you have for lunch today? :)

Eric said...

Your new surroundings and circumstances seemed to have only accelerated your writing. It seems that you are writing more each day and it is great. I wonder if anyone actually puts all of themselves out for display on blogs or anywhere for that matter. I think even the most open individual keeps part of themselves to themselves for themselves. I am ever grateful for the depths of yourself that you plum and take us along. I have learned more about myself through reading your blog.

diogenes said...

I have an invitation for you. Where can I email?

austere said...

Thank you for writing.