Friday, July 20, 2007

Long Night

Spare me the "Gosh you should look into some sort of 12-step group" shite. I am tired. It was a long night. And I am jonesing for a beer belying the post I wrote yesterday. I can't take something messing up my routines. I walked into the house this morning to a hundred emails (I am avoiding email), two messages on my answering machine, and Maggie sitting in the floor tearing up a pair of my dirty underwear. Just great, I thought as I peeled off my clothes and put on the most comfortable attire I could find. I am sitting here in what my ex-wife called my "wankey shorts" as wanker was slang for penis in the U.K. and these shorts show a hard-on like a lighthouse shows light on a dark New England shore. The night was spent at the hospital with Joyce. She had awoken with belly pains and she had recently undergone a kidney transplant. I got a call from her around 1 a.m. asking me to drive her to the medical center. "The tests look fine," the doctor said walking into our sterile, white waiting room. "It must have been cramps." Joyce laughed nervously and turned to me and said, "I am so beyond cramps. I've been menopausal for years." I sighed with relief that nothing more major was wrong and drove us home in the early hours of the morning.


justLacey said...

Sometimes gas causes terrible pain like that. My last time it was appendicitis, so I left that at the hospital. Apparently i didn't need it anyway as I don't notice it missing. Get some rest, it will put you in a better state of mind.

Andrew said...


I thought the same thing, but didn't just want to tell Joyce she had gas. It would have been embarrassing. I am just glad she is okay.

almondjoy said...

I'm sorry you had to go through that. But i'm glad it's all over with. Smart move by not embarrassing her with the whole gas thing. I hope you get back on your feet soon.

Barb said...

The peeling of the onion, getting to know the authentic, compassionate you has been a trip. You are a very awesome friend, to so many! Thanks for showing so much of yourself, with virtual strangers. You are easy to love, Andrew!!! Rest well~


VA Friend said...

You are such a good friend!! (even in your wankey shorts) Just don't let Rosa see you in them...

fiwa said...

Sounds like a rough night, I hope you can catch up on your sleep today. You're a good friend for going to the hospital with her.

Eric said...

Ok, first a vivid description of..., uhmm, I could have lived without that image...=), and then a vivid description of who you are as a person, which is a good man.


Sorry to hear that you had such a rough evening-both Joyce and you.
Please send her regards from your blogging buddies.

Seems that even Maggie went off routine due to you leaving abruptly in the early morning hours.

Why the need for the beer though? You mentioned it was due to the previous posting? I thought your previous Dr Laura post was magically written-what's causing you angst about it? or did I just miss something in between poopie diapers, intentional gas farts and so forth.
Hang in there.
Go for a walk to your favorite place and watch some trains! I hope this brings you peace!

abbagirl74 said...

Your friendship never ceases to amaze me.

Anonymous said...

Wanker is not slang in Britain, nor does it refer to the penis. It is an obscene term, to be avoided in polite company, used, in its most literal sense, to describe someone who masturbates more then is good for himself. It more commonly refers to a hopeless or ineffectual person. There are probably more of those here than there are in America.

I enjoy reading your blog from time to time, and think you're a very good writer - and an inspiration. I'm teetotal now myself now after years of over-indulgence.

With best wishes from Dawlish, in the south-west of England.