Sunday, September 14, 2008

Star Light, Star Bright...

What a wonderful night last night!  Once I arrived, I got busy making a fire and I still have my touch.  A fire was soon roaring and I got some Hoboes cooking.  Hoboes are ground beef patties smothered with onions, carrots, potatoes, ketchup, and mustard.  I ate supper and it had grown dark.  I curled up in my sleeping bag to listen to the whip-o-wills while I read a book by flashlight.  The stars were amazing last night.  There really is no comparison to the same stars seen in the city.  Out in the country, you have no light pollution.  

I woke this morning very early which is usual for me when I camp.  I gathered up all my gear and stuffed it in the back of my Honda.  I still don't have a radio in my car and it was a long and boring drive back into town from God's country. 

I am worried my medications are making me stupid.  It took all I had out of me to write this post.  Blogging used to come so easy to me.  Now, it is a chore.  Oh well.  It could be worse.  I could be struggling with schizophrenia symptoms and I am not lately. 


Mo said...

I am sooooooo happy for you to have had this experience and for it have been such a pleasant one for you.

Camping rocks!

PipeTobacco said...


I am very glad you had a fun and enjoyable camping experience! Bravo!

If you feel your medications are dulling your intellect, then perhaps a talk with your doctor is in order to have him/her reduce or change some of the myriad of medications you take.


Summer said...

I was happy just reading this post! Like Pipe Tobacco said, check with your doctor. Maybe your doses can be changed. As far as the blogging goes, I get that. Sometimes, taking a break is good. A blog vacation. You'll come back refreshed for sure.

BTW...I'm following you on Twitter too. I'm onecinny.

Jbeeky said...

Aaaah, there is nothing like country stars. I am so glad you experienced it. And shared it!

Kelly Jene said...

I love this post! I'm sorry it took a lot to write it, but it is lovely to read about your adventure. I'm glad you had fun.

Leann said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time Andrew. I LOVE looking at the stars from out in God's country. When I went camping at Diamond Lake, because it's so high, it feels like you can touch the stars. Not to mention the reflection over the lake.

I love your writing, no matter how trivial or long winded :-) Please, please keep it up!

Cheryl said...

I'm glad you did something you love. Something out of your routine. And, your writing is fine. We all have our struggles. You're doing great in the ways that count.

impromptublogger said...

Happy 300 days!!!! You deserve a camp-out for all your hard work and perserverance.

I'm glad it was a fun time.