Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Milquetoast Me...

I was asked via email today if I saw a difference in my blog medicated and un-medicated.  YES!  Off my medications, I am much more emotional, spontaneous, excitable, crazy!  I also saw a big difference when I was drinking as well.  Drinking fueled my creative fires and made me do things that I wouldn't normally do. 

Now?  You get the milquetoast me.  The medicated, subdued, sober persona that I find boring. 


Tee said...

I like the medicated Andrew. :-)

Lynette said...

You may not think you are as creative, but I like you when you are not manic. The abyss you sink into after the euphoria is so distressing to read. The attraction of the unmedicated you is just a snare to trap you in old habits. That is my opinion.

Summer said...

You are NOT boring!

(M)ary said...

well, i think you are too hard on yourself. you are not milquetoast! i would say you are more like cinnamon toast...a bit spicy but in a sweet way.

CJM-R said...

We all come visit you so often because we care about you and enjoy your writing. I never find you boring. You have a way with words and you have a unique perspective.

Jami said...

Your perspective of you is not necessarily accurate, especially unmedicated. Remember, the brain isn't functioning "normally," so you will be viewing things, even you, differently than others do.

You are good the way you are (medicated, stable), and you clearly have lots of people who care about you ... for you. Consider, too, all the things you can do because you are not riding an emotional and/or psychotic roller coaster (think about your love and care of Maggie).

I could only wish for as many people reading my blog! YOU must be who people are interested in, not craziness or high-flying emotions.

Like someone else said, you are being too hard on yourself. You're not boring at all.

Cheryl said...

I used to worry about you so much when you were drinking. Now I just wish you had something to do with other people so you weren't alone so much. You're so caring of the people you've taken under your wing. I just know there's someone out there that needs you.

Upsy-Downsy said...

Andrew, you are far from boring !! You are unique and special and that is why I visit your blog all the time.

simonsays said...

Yep, I gotta go with all the other commentors - you are not boring! We all read you because your perspective is so honest and you can make something interesting out of just about anything. That is not boring, it's talented.

Hugs. :)

justLacey said...

I don't find you boring now. I think I like it better. Plus I enjoy seeing you do well. Drama may be exciting, but it's not always a good excitement.

theoclarke said...

Knowing, as I do, only this boring milquetoast version, I rather like it.

Leann said...

Boring is the last thing I would call you!

Judy said...

I love you just as you are.

Jessica said...

You are great, never boring! :) 295 days Awesome! :D

PipeTobacco said...


Creativity is something you can foster, sir. If that is something you, yourself, *believe* is lacking in your current posts, then you can seek ways to imbue your writings (and your life, if you feel it needs it also) with creativity. A few possible examples you may wish to consider:

1. Start to write a creative story of your choosing. You are enamored to a degree with technology, the homeless, and a variety of other venues that suggests an interest in science fiction. Perhaps trying to write a creative, science fiction/psychological sort of story would be interesting for you.

2. Start walking and exploring your community again. In a few of your essays you have spoken of feeling lethargic since changing medications. Perhaps you can try to force yourself out of the lethargy with hiking and walking about town.

3. Perhaps you could view yourself as a "blog reporter" for your small town... have a mission to get out and explore and observe what is happening in your hometown and report on it here. It can be mundane or shocking, it does not matter so much, as it will be your descriptions that would bring either to life for the reader.

4. Perhaps you can go hang out with George and the gang again a bit? Your recent post at just seeing George drive by was filled with vitality and enthusiasm. Perhaps something like that would jump start your creative juices?

Please know, however, I am not suggesting you *need* do anything different. I am just giving you a few ideas to mull over if *you*, *yourself* are agreeing with the question posed by the e-mail writer.

Have a good day, sir,


impromptublogger said...

Dearest Andrew - you aren't boring. I would say you started getting scary when you're not unmedicated. I would read about your normal humdrum life than your near brushes with death, the police, insanity, etc.

Keep up the great work and I can't wait to celebrate your 10-month sobiversary in 5 days!!!!