Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It Never Fails...

Just before my injection, I become an emotional basket case and make a fool of myself on my blog.  I get all sentimental, weepy, and whiney.   I should have titled this blog:  Ode to the Missing Parental Units. 

A new nurse gave me my injection today.  Rebecca, my old nurse, had her baby yesterday.  Luckily, it went without a hitch, the baby and the injection.

"You're done!" my nurse exclaimed.

I sheepishly pulled up my pants and ushered mom out the door. 

"I'm glad that's done," I told mom walking to the reception desk. "I will feel so much better today."

"Maybe, I need to be taking this shot as well?" mom replied always hoping to feel better.

The biggest smile broke out upon my face.  "That's my mother," I thought.  It is so good to have them home.    


anonymous said...

I miss Rosa. Andrew, you have to get another interesting character to write about. I miss Hat tag Guy, the guys at the Piggly Wiggly, Recycle Dan etc.

You could develop the characters that work in your Dad's stores. But if they're just women that might be a little creepy.

Happy winter.

justLacey said...

I thought you did pretty good before your shot this month. Your anxiety seems to stay under control and you handled the rest pretty well. I'm glad mom is back, I missed her as well. I hope you have a nice quiet, restful night.

PipeTobacco said...

Hello Sir:

Like "anonomyous" said, I too miss your writings about adventures. I remember how fun it sounded when you were spending a part of your day with George and/or others of the old gang, dumpster diving Dan, etc.

However, it seems you are more content to stay primairly at home these days, and I can understand that feeling as well. Sometimes doing close to nothing adventuresome can also be very soothing.

Perhaps, if you are of a mind to, you could attempt writing some fictional adventures (labeled as such,of course), just to stretch your imagination a bit. I would suspect you would be able to create quite vivid stories.


Leann said...

It's always nice to have family around.

Jessica said...

I'm glad you are feeling better! :)

Cheryl said...

Don't worry about what you write. I didn't think you were foolish to write what you did about your parents. You love them and have a close relationship. Families can be a blessing, and your family is.

Have a good day Andrew!

Jay M. said...

Twitter response-

Andrew, everyone who follows your blog can see that you know your place now, much more than you have in the past. You know you are stronger now, especially in resisting alcohol. You have pride in your blogging, family, photography, railroads, and simple pleasures in life like good food and company.

Of course we all have good days and bad. But hold your head high, and know that you're doing a lot better now, than you have in the past. And having people that care about you, that is something that matters.

Portia said...

Your blog is perfect. Really & truly. I'm glad you're feeling better today, and the family is home again.

It's great to catch up with your blog. I'm trying to get into the swing again after a break from blogging. I had saved this quote to share with you because it immediately brought you and your love of camping to mind:
"There is nothing like being left alone again, to walk peacefully with oneself in the woods. To boil one's coffee and fill one's pipe, and to think idly and slowly as one does it." -Knut Hamsun

simonsays said...

I'm all caught up on your blog again, I had missed a few entries recently. I am happy that your folks are back and that you feel better - I know how hard it can be sometimes.

Hugs, Andrew. You are a good friend. :)

impromptublogger said...

Trying your hand at fiction could be a very fun thing!

I'm glad your Mom is back and it is good that she makes you laugh. Congratulations to your friend Rebecca.