Sunday, December 07, 2008

Everything's Fine, Mostly...

I always erroneously think my brother and sister have wonderful, magical, perfect lives.  They don't.  I just drove over to my parents house for some Diet Dr. Pepper.  My sister was in the den, crying.  Her daughter was crawling all over her.

"I'm sorry," my sister said wiping the snot from her nose. "I had a moment of weakness."

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting down next to her.

"Being a parent.  Being a doctor.  It is all too stressful for me.  I can't take it anymore," my sister sobbed. 

"What would dad's mother say?" I asked her.

"To drink some sweet tea, eat a good lunch, take a nap, and sit on the back porch till you get to feeling better," my sister said smiling.

I'm not particularly close to my sister, but I hope I helped.  I often think of what dad's deceased mother would say on such occasions.  It helps.  


CJM-R said...

That was a tender moment between you and your sister. You are right, no one has the perfect life... no matter how perfect it appears.

Jean said...

Welcome to the real world. You're beginning to 'get it' at last!

justLacey said...

You see, I told you that your life is not that different from everyone else's. What you said to your sister was a kindness a lot of people wouldn't have bothered with. Close or not, it was a sweet gesture. I like hearing about your family.

Jami said...

I think moments like these are what life, and growing, are all about. Human connection.

Glad you got to share that moment with your sister.

Summer said...

You're a good brother.
And friend.

Eric Valentine said...

That was a wonderful thoughtful thing you did Andrew, and it all came naturally to you too I'll bet.. Well done. :)

Leann said...

What a wonderful way to bond with your sister Andrew. No one's life is perfect. WE all have out moments.

Cheryl said...

Great post title. We're all living flawed lives. All of us. We need to find our happiness where we can. I learned the phrase 'little blessings' from you. What you said to your sister was a little blessing.

Eric said...

I think I would have liked your dad's mom and you did a sweet thing for your sister.

Syd said...

It sounds like great advice you gave your sister.

Tee said...

Andrew, that was wonderful advice you gave your sister. You know the grass always looks greener on the other side, but you know what?! It has to be mowed too!

Lynette said...

What a wise thing to say. It doesn't take much to help other out does it?

Portia said...

It sounds like you were just what your sister needed at that moment. I'm not terribly close to my brothers either, for different reasons, but absolutely NO ONE/ NO THING can cheer me up like they can.