Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Good Times!!!

I was just laying in the bed, watching TV, and listening to the radio.  Maggie was laying beside me doing her usual before slumber grooming.   The word snow is being bantered around by the various weather officials.  And my injection worked remarkably well yesterday to give me a wonderful rest of the day and week. 

This is the stuff legendary good times are made of in my life and on this blog.  Thank you all for reading and I hope these kinds of positive, life affirming blog posts outweigh all the others, and will be what you remember me by.  Not the sick, mentally ill drunkard who almost lost everything. But the upbeat, excitable, good natured fellow I know I can be if I just put in some minimal effort.  


skinny minny said...

snow isn't just being bantered around here in southeast texas but it is actually snowing and STICKING! kind of exciting. we get a true snowfall once every 7-10 years so this is very fun. All I hope is it doesn;t freeze causing ice o ntheroads we sucl at ice drivng down here it paralyzes every place of business. I am getting ready o post some pictures on my blog if you want to check them out. give me a few moments...and WARNING I have music on my blog BUT it up top (a suggestion I took from you) so you turn it off easily.
Glad you are feeling so well. Life is always better when you feel better, stronger, happier.

2sunset said...

Life affirming blog-posts are beautiful mostly because we know what difficult times you have had to come through - we (your readers) are so happy for you.

As for the other, the "sick mentally ill drunkard who almost lost everything": there is beauty there too. You appreciate nature, love and those "little joys" of life more than the average bear and it is precisely BECAUSE of having been through some pain and tragedy.
We want to read it all Andrew and be there with you and for you.

Cheers, and Christmas Blessings.

justLacey said...

Look how it seemed so insurmountable a year ago and now you refer to it as minimal effort. You are growing every day.

Summer said...

Tree yet?

forsythia said...

You're getting snow?!?!?!? Waaaaaaaah, not possible. So unfair.

Judy said...

I admire your strength of character. You work hard to be ok and you succeed. I am always cheering you on.

Syd said...

I like the upbeat good natured guy. And snow is a great deal in the South. Send some this way.

Moonroot said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. I do like to read the life-affirming stuff, but I also admire your bravery and honesty in sharing the not-so-good stuff too. You work so hard to overcome the hardships and difficulties life has sent you. That's why I admire you so much.

I'm sorry I didn't congratulate you on your sobriety anniversary, I haven't been keeping up to date in Blogland. But catching up now, so: Belated Congratulations!

Moonroot said...

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Jay M. said...


This is a great post, even if it's only just a couple paragraphs. I feel like it's one you should try to reread every once in a while.

I completely second Judy's comments above.

Cheryl said...

You are constantly evolving and all for the better. It's been great going on this journey with you!