Saturday, December 06, 2008

Wonderful Hospital Food...

Memaw came through her surgery okay.  Mom said she was asking about something to eat as they wheeled her to intensive care.  All my mother's family is in town.  It took a calamity to bring them together.  My aunt Pam is staying at my parent's house.  Have I told you how gorgeous she is?  She doesn't age at all. 

I discovered the hospital cafeteria yesterday.  I have never eaten better food in a hospital.  They had macaroni and cheese that was to die for.  I also ate my first corn dog in years.   The even had turnip greens with fatback.  

My sister came last night with her daughter to see Maggie.  Maggie put on a grand show.  It was the first time my sister had been in my house since dad bought it for me.  My little niece would squeal with glee and Maggie barked exuberantly.

Getting a Christmas tree is on the agenda today.  I can't wait to smell that smell of evergreen in my house.   


justLacey said...

I'm glad Memaw is doing well. Look at you Mr. Social-phobe and all that company. Family makes me more nervous than strangers. You go on!
We had a hospital in Miami that had the best cafeteria ever. It was like a food court at the mall. Even when I stayed there the food was good. Having the kids was almost like being at a spa. People wonder why I love the hospital. Probably the only place where I get waited on.
Thanks for letting us know all is well.

happyone said...

Great news!! Glad your grandmother is doing good. Have fun getting your Christmas tree.
It just started snowing here in Maryland a little while ago.

CJM-R said...

So glad to hear your grandmother is doing well.

Nice that Maggie has made a new friend with your niece.

If you have to be in a hospital... at least the food ought to be good!

skinny minny said...

glad she is doing well! and it sounds like you are too!

Cheryl said...

Yes, great news about Memaw. And a bonus on the hospital food. They're not usually known for that. I'm so glad your sister and niece got to meet your sweet Maggie.

Eric said...

Isn't the smell of evergreen one of life's simple pleasures. It is almost as wonderful as the fragrance of honeysuckle.

Glad to hear about Memaw.

forsythia said...

Hurray for Memaw, and also one for you, you Social Butterfly, you.

Summer said...

Good news about Memaw!

The hospital I worked at for years had great food most days, especially breakfast. Reggie manned the grill and his omelettes and chipped beef on biscuits were to die for.

Cin said...

I am glad to hear that your Grammy is doing well!

Our hospital food used to be good but now it really sucks! The food they feed the patients is much better than the cafeteria!

SOUL: said...

that ALL sounds GREAT. really. i'm very happy to hear your gramma came through, and i hope she continues to improve. your meal sounds pretty good, but i have ta say-- i have NEVER eaten "cafeteria mac n cheese".. anywhere-- even restaurants -- that didn't make me ill. not literally-- it's just never ever cooked right, and i never get passed the first bite. so i am glad you enjoyed that.

hope you put up a pic of your tree later??

we'll have ours up -- maybe tonight?? hubby was supposed to have it out of storage a couple days ago-- ehem. :))

anyhow-- andrew, i need you to email me your snail mail addy--- i found somethin for you that i think you will really enjoy! i need to send it soon.before the christmas rush and you don't see it til march... :))
happy sunday-

impromptublogger said...

Glad to hear that she's doing well! She sounds like one tough old lady...

Jessica said...

So glad to hear she is doing well! :D I'm also glad you are getting some time with your family.

Leann said...

It's nice to hear memaw came thru with flying colors. Too cute regarding Maggie and the kiddo. I'm sure it was fun for all of them.