Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A Piece of the Puzzle Falls Into Place…

“I called your best friend’s old supervisor at the distribution center in La Grange,” my former supervisor told me this morning as I was getting off. “He said he was one of his best workers until one night he just didn’t show up. He had never missed a night before.”

“That’s when he got his DUI,” I replied. “He worked for almost two years without any lapses.”

“I am going to go out on a limb hiring a convicted felon, but his old supervisor and you have swayed me,” my previous supervisor told me. “When do you think he will be able to start work?”

“I am hoping next Monday if he gets parole,” I replied now grinning vigorously so excited.

“You better not let me down,” she said giving me a big hug. “I don’t want another disaster like I often have trying to fill this job.  I have the part-time guy working your old position and he is not happy about the hours at all, threatening to quit.”

I immediately drove home and called Mrs. Florene.  I was bursting at the seams to tell her of the good news.

“George has a job!” I told her excitedly.  “He will be working my old position from 5am to 1pm.  Do you think you can drive him to work?”

“Oh, sweetheart!” Mrs. Florene exclaimed. “That is wonderful news.  I sure will give it my best try.  I don’t like driving in the dark, but I can do it if I have to.”

I long ago realized it was going to take a very concerted and family effort to get George back on his feet.  He is going to need all the support we can give him.  Now, we just have to wait until Thursday to find out the final results.  I will be anxiously waiting all day for that call from Monte telling me if George got parole or not.


Syd said...

Great news! I hope it all works out.

Syd said...

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Tee said...

You are such a great friend! Is Thursday the day for the hearing?

I've been away for a couple of days and just got caught up on all the goings on. I just cracked up about the comment your mom made at the grocery store about not wanting to run into anyone she knows. I always see someone I know when I run in the store looking like a bum. I can so relate to her concern.

Sharon said...

What great news! I hope his parole hearing goes well, please keep us informed. We're all rooting for him!

Jenn said...


amelia said...

This is wonderful news!! I'm sure George will be thrilled!!

LM said...

You are a true blue friend. Hurray for George (and his Mom)!!

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Another great job. George is going to be thrilled. He may not like the hours - but he'll be so glad to have the promise of a job. And if he does well, he can move up as well!

It's nice to have friends in high places . . .

Love ya,

glittermom said...

try sleeping later in the afternoon so you wake up right before you have to leave for work...does your mom realize you have to sleep during the day?

Marsha said...

Hey, I don't live in Alabama, but I wonder if one of your taxi cab services might give a break on the cost of transporting George to work if it is a regular pick up. Some of ours do that. It is usually quite affordable even on a min. wage job. Something for his mom to check into, perhaps. Great going on everything in your new life!!! Take care!!!