Thursday, September 09, 2010

You Get What You Pay For…

I have a lot of misgivings about selling the eMachines computers at work.  And they are popular.  People think, “Hey! A $500 dollar computer! I am getting a bargain!”  You get what you pay for – a neutered machine that is only good for basically browsing the web.  I sold one tonight to a lady whose laptop had gone kaput.

“What kind of things do you do with your computer?” I asked her.

“Online banking, email, and FaceBook,” she told me.

I guess an eMachines computer will work for her, but I strongly suggest you spend the money and buy a much nicer computer from Dell or Gateway.

Tonight was a busier night with the video game cabinet keeping me busy.  We keep all our Wii, PS3 and XBox games locked behind a glass partition.  I have a key and have to go open it every time someone wants a game. One young man couldn’t decide if he wanted to spend the ridiculous price of $50 dollars on Call of Duty 4 or Bad Company 2.  He finally made his choice after thirty minutes of waffling and I rang him up.  My patience was growing thin.

Jim showed up as usual during his lunch break at 3am.  Thankfully, we didn’t talk about politics tonight.  He was complaining about his job and all the bending and lifting he has to do.  He said his back was killing him.  I looked on as he ate his sandwich from the deli and it looked delicious.  Moments after he left me, I headed back to the deli to grab one as well. I got a turkey and Swiss on a hoagie roll with tomatoes, onion and lettuce.  A little spicy mustard and some mayonnaise and the sandwich was delightful. The snack was complete with a bag of harvest cheddar Sun Chips and a Coke Zero.  

Parole Hearing at 1pm…

It’s 5am.  Mrs. Florene, Monte and crew should already be up to head to Atmore at 6am.  They are stopping in Montgomery to eat breakfast at the Cracker Barrel Mrs. Florene told me last night.  It is about a five hour drive to Atmore.  I told Mrs. Florene to eat lunch at the Creek Indian restaurant at the Holiday Inn in town.  It would be an eye opening experience.  I often ate there when I was working at the University.  We had a pine seedling nursery just miles down from the prison where George is incarcerated.  

Will George get parole?  All the pieces of the puzzle are in place.  He has a stable living environment set up with his mother.  I have him a job lined up.  Mrs. Florene will be driving him to work every morning.  He has been a model prisoner with no marks or write-ups on his record.  Only time will tell, and I will be anxiously awaiting that phone call from Monte late this afternoon.

Mom and Stacey’s Diets Aren’t Going So Well…

Mom pulled up in front of my house yesterday evening and honked her horn as she normally does. I walked out to see what she needed.

“I got you a fried shrimp plate from Merl’s Diner,” she said. “I thought it would be a nice treat.”

Mom had also gotten her a fried shrimp plate and a salad, and said she was going home to eat it right then. 

“I’m never going to lose weight,” she said begrudgingly as she rolled up her window and drove off.

I put the plate in my fridge to eat after work as breakfast. 

I cooked supper last night.  We finally had mom’s mushroom chicken which is extremely rich and fattening.  The recipe calls for lots of sour cream and real butter.  Stacey went back for thirds and I didn’t say anything.  She was just hungry and the food was good. Before the meal, Stacey watched as I made homemade biscuits. I’ve gotten it down to a fine art and can have the biscuits in the oven in a matter of minutes.  Last night, I tried butter flavored Crisco as the shortening instead of regular and it was quite good.  I will use it from now on. 

“What is the difference between Bavarian style buttermilk and regular?” Stacey asked as I poured a cup of the buttermilk to be mixed in with the flour and shortening.

“It is just richer and creamier,” I replied. “Mrs. Florene taught me that trick. It makes for decadent biscuits.”

Stacey agreed that my biscuits rivaled her grandmother’s in taste.  I am very happy that Stacey is a Southern girl at heart and loves Southern cookin’.


justLacey said...

eMachines are good enough for the inexperienced crowd who don't know what they are doing and don't want to spend a whole lot to find that out. I have owned Dell and Gateway and much prefer HP to both, although I prefer Gateway to Dell.
I hope all goes well for George today. I know Mrs. Florene is lonely with him not there. I hope this has been a learning experience for him, but if he is anything like my brother it won't be. He recently lost his driver license for life from so many DUI's. I am surprised he has not been incarcerated for any of them (as far as I know). What a sad life.

Summer said...

I just love hearing about your mom, she is a kind hearted soul. Does she have a good sense of humor?

I wish Merl would open up a diner here. You made my stomach growl and it's not even 6 a.m. here.

As I said last night, let us know as soon as you know about George.

Have a good nap!

C.A. said...

You're making me hungry! Do we get the chicken recipe? I'd love to try it! The biscuits too!

I'm so glad you seem to be making the adjustment to night shift without alot of stress. :) I worked nights when I was pregnant in 1982. Suffice it to say I won't do it again! Some people are just born to work in the wee hours, I guess.

I'd love to see more pictures of Caramel and I'm missing seeing Maggie's face, too.

Happy Thursday!


Cindi Ann

kristi said...

Yum. I need to make some home made biscuits are making me hungry!

Tee said...

Okay, you can't just tease us with that chicken dish. We need the recipe. The last one you gave us (Helen's Pimento Cheese) was delicious and I'm sure this one is too.

I sure hope George gets out. When he gets home keep reminding him he can't drink and drive ever again, better yet, just don't drink. You are an excellent example of how life can be so much better without the booz (and smokes). Right?

You are a wise man, women just don't like to be reminded they are on a diet. I can assure you they are more aware of their weight than anyone else and it's such a struggle to get it off, especially after you are older.

I guess I'm a candidate for one of those eMachines. Internet banking and e-mails, well and blogs, are about my limit. Our adopted son gave us a nice Dell laptop for Mother's/Father's Day this year. It's a nice computer and I love the portability, only thing I just don't know how to use all the features. That might be a winter project--learn to use my new laptop. LOL.

Syd said...

I sure hope things go well for George today. I am going fishing but will be thinking about him.

Can you share your biscuit recipe? It sounds awesome. I think that good Southern cooking is hard to beat.

Babe said...

I am so happy to see you're doing well! I haven't visited in so long! Keep up the good times!

impromptublogger said...

eMachines are great - we're on our 2nd one for our daughter. The first one got fried in an electrical storm because we stupidly had it directly plugged into the wall - won't be doing that again. Her replacement was a Dell laptop which she abused some but never was all that good and barely worked for 6 months. Plus it had Vista which sucked big time too. We replaced it last Xmas with a $500 eMachine (from Walmart btw) and it has been wonderful with the Windows 7 on it! No issues (knock on wood) at all and it is fast and can handle the high graphics of the online game her boyfriend plays. I have a 3-year old Dell desktop which I love but dh bought a new iMac about 4 months ago which he loves and has been able to rent out for theatrical productions some.

LM said...

I learned to make Southern biscuits from my MIL...self-rising flour, Crisco (or lard) and buttermilk. She always baked her biscuits in a cast iron skillet and I do the same. There is NOTHING like homemade biscuits! Thanks for the tip on butter-flavored Crisco. Never thought of trying that for a change.

So happy with the way your life has changed...and you are the person responsible for the wonderful things happening. Hoping that George is released and also enjoys a 'new life.'

pattycakes said...

you sure make eatin a simple lunch or dinner sound great lol always makes me hungry , you should open a restaurant :) hope all goes well with george and that he keeps his job . you are sure in a perfect job arent you. you seem to know a lot of things in that department , hope it keeps going well for you . your mom is quite funny , love to hear about her . hope you have a great nite

Carol said...

It's a wise man that says nothing about his girlfriend's intake or weight. Believe there is no getting out on top of that conversation. No good way out at all.

becomingkate said...

I like HP too.
The biscuits sound yummy!

This IS The Fun Part! said...