Thursday, September 23, 2010

Going Through the Motions…

I haven’t had much to say lately. Just going through the motions of life. Work. Occasional play in that I am obsessed with music these days with a passion. I’ve been sleeping much better without aid than I have in months. Too much sleep would be what my psychiatrist would tell me.  In my all or nothing fashion I tend to go from one extreme to the other.  

George was sitting in my den last night asking me if we could find a way on the Internet to take off his ankle monitoring device so he could have a drink. I smiled as George went on and on about how “uncomfortable” it is and that it is “embarrassing” to wear. George is still up to his usual antics. I told him he only has about five more months and then it will be off. Give his mother five months of peace. George went on to discuss how great the sex with Pookie has been lately. It made me throw up in my  mouth a little bit as he said it.  I’ve said this many times before, but Pookie is the only crack addict I have ever met that is a hundred pounds overweight. George calls most crack addict women “chickenheads” as they are so skinny and their adam’s apples are so pronounced as their heads bob as they walk.  Of all the women available in the world, George has to pick the only overweight crack addict in the state of Alabama to do the horizontal tango with on a regular basis.  They are like the Bonnie and Clyde of the netherworld.  

Stacey and I are pretty much over with. To be explicitly honest, I was tired of the constant badgering. She grew too codependent on me.  Also, the whole deal with her children made me uncomfortable. I know it will be hard to find a woman my age without children, but I am going to wait and try.  Stacey was also ten years my junior and she still has a lot of growing up to do.  Life still has a few more lessons for her to be even tempered and even keeled.  I grew tired of the constant drama and would rather be alone.  I have grown rather comfortable over these past few years since Rosa and I broke up – comfortable in my bachelorhood. 

Work is still going well. I have settled in this comfortable routine every night.  I couldn’t have found myself in a better shift as far as easing myself back into working with the public and working in retail. It is so quiet at night and I spend much of my time just doing busy work. Stocking shelves mainly. I only have just a handful of customers after midnight and these people tend to be people who either work third shift or sleep in the day.

My father and I rarely talk which is pretty normal. Mom and I talk everyday. Lately, mom has started adding two extra drinks such as diet Sunkist to the six diet Cokes I pick up every morning. She adds these along with a treat such as a snack for the dogs or a snack for me.  I go by after work to pick them up and bring them home to drink them before going to bed. The caffeine doesn’t faze me as far as being able to sleep goes. It never has.

I’ve struggled with that anxiety more lately than I have in months. I don’t know what has changed, but have had the occasional anxiety attack this week. Thankfully, none at work, but they always happen late in the evenings after I have slept all day. I just have to get really quiet and lay on the bed for about an hour until they pass.  Strangely, sometimes they can be almost intoxicating – this strange sensation my body is feeling. I have always enjoyed feeling out of the ordinary or abnormal.  Thus my dabbles with mind altering substances over the years.  It is when they get out of hand do I grow scared.  I have kind of learned to temper them in a way that they are not so severe.  They don’t halt life like they did many months ago when I could barely function.

Well, it is about time for my supervisor to show up for work. I am going to shut down this laptop and get ready to head home. I am looking forward to grabbing some breakfast at a fast food joint and a newspaper, and heading home to get my diet Cokes.  Then sleep will follow.  I will try to get back on a regular writing basis again.


Syd said...

Glad that things are going okay. George is going to get himself back into trouble I fear.
I could read between the lines regarding Stacey. Too many demands and not enough space makes for problems in a relationship.
I am busy with taking some marine boating classes. Kicking my butt with reading. I need to get a used diesel and break it down. Life is good though.

kristi said...

Wow, I hope George is careful. Pookie may give him something that does not rub off easily...LOL.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

So good to hear from ya! The "routine" always gets old sooner or later - but it also can get more comfortable as time goes on.

Maybe things will settle down for a while with no worries about taking care of anyone but you and the Ladies.

Have a great sleep - and give the pups a hug.

Love ya,

Sharon said...

I didn't realize Stacey was so much younger. Girls that age can still be immature, and let's face it, you know she has her own issues anyway. This is probably for the best right now as you're still adjusting to all the other changes you've made in your life. I like to see you concentrating on your own progress, it means you're on the right track. While you're bound to have temporary setbacks, the fact that you keep picking yourself up and moving on is very admirable.

Sharon said...

I didn't realize Stacey was so much younger. Girls that age can still be immature, and let's face it, you know she has her own issues anyway. This is probably for the best right now as you're still adjusting to all the other changes you've made in your life. I like to see you concentrating on your own progress, it means you're on the right track. While you're bound to have temporary setbacks, the fact that you keep picking yourself up and moving on is very admirable.

PipeTobacco said...


Hopefully George will comply with the rules of the ankle bracelet and refrain from trying to bypass it. If he gets in a difficult emotional state about it, please keep trying to remind him that it is only 5 more months before he can have a drink.

If he has even one drink or attempts to bypass the bracelet, he will not be able to drink for far, far longer... that may be a way to encourage his resolve as well.

Even though Stacie was nice, and you had fun together at times, since she did not work out as a "good fit" in the long term, do not worry. There will be a young lady for you that will be the right fit. It is not something a person can really force. And it is good to try and even fail at relationships for then you learn more about what the person you will want to be with long term will be like.

How is the refraining from tobacco going? Is George refraining or indulging in tobacco himself?


mngirl said...

I have to learn that when you don't post, these days it does not mean that something bad has happened. I'm happy to see that life is steady enough that you don't always have something to post about.

glittermom said...

Glad to see things are well in "Andrewland....take care..We care for you....

Jenn said...

Sounds like a pretty normal life, which considering where you started is pretty good! I'm sorry it didn't work out with Stacey. Better luck next time, I guess.

Jenn said...

Sounds like a pretty normal life, which considering where you started is pretty good! I'm sorry it didn't work out with Stacey. Better luck next time, I guess.

pattycakes said...

glad to see you back , missed reading you. im sorry stacey didnt work out , but arent you glad you didnt decide to have kids with her lol , thats something you cant break up with :) george should take it easy or he will be right back where he was . im glad your not tempted to join him in a beer and hope he relaxes and remembers how it was in jail .
have a great day . your doing so well keep it up . :)

Leann said...

I'm just shaking my head at George's antics.

It would be interesting to pick the moments that bring on the panic attacks. Whether you're worrying too much or the brain just gets oober busy. What ever it is I hope it gets better.

Take care and god bless.

jane said...

sorry about stacy, but think it's great that you have been so forward thinking! i also think it's great that you got your feet wet again with regard to women!

hugs from haddonfield, nj,

justLacey said...

You know from your own experience that George will do what he will and you have no control over it. I can tell that you are aware of that by the way you write about him.
I think the fact that you went so long without panic attacks and then had one may have stirred up your anxiety. You do know from experience that eventually it will pass. You haven't cut of the risperdal cold turkey have you? That could be another possibility. Talk it over with your dr. I am sure just voicing it and her weighing in will put your mind more at ease. I am happy that all is well with you. Tomorrow is my last day of work then on to bigger and better things I hope.
One more thing. I picked up a Nano today and the young man I work will filled it up for music with me. I enjoyed his taste in music so I wanted to be able to continue to listen while I am not working. Thought you might find that interesting since music was your first mention in your post today.

Summer said...

Sometimes, like now, I get in these quiet moods. Talking nor writing come easy. It's a cycle, like your mom goes through, just a different sort. I know you're going to be just fine, look at all of your accomplishments of late. You're such an inspiration.

I have had terrible computer problems these past two days and I was wishing I had you to talk to about them. I was on the phone with Dell for 3 hours tonight. UGH!

Have a great night at work!

Tee said...

It so good to hear that you have settled into a routine.

Keep reminding George that one drink will land him right back in the slammer.

You have made some very wise decisions about Stacey. Too bad it didn't work out, but I suppose it wasn't meant to be. Just keep in mind what you really want in a long-term relationship. For now just enjoy your routine and your two girls.