Friday, September 24, 2010

High Strangeness…

I didn’t feel well yesterday. I slept well. I just woke up feeling mentally discombobulated – a high strangeness that is hard to put words to paper. Mom realized something was wrong when I didn’t come pick up my drinks for yesterday. She brought them by late in the afternoon along with Maggie’s and Caramel’s flea treatment and heartworm medications.

“Are you okay?” mom asked as I answered the door. “You have a strange look on your face.”

“I feel confused,” I told her as she came inside to sit down for a moment.

I haven’t quit taking my Risperdal. I still take 2mg in the mornings before bed. I am also still taking the Paxil. The only difference lately in my habits is that I have been drinking caffeinated drinks again for the first time in many weeks. I will just chalk it up to the mental strangeness I have always experienced from time to time over the years. It is kind of disconcerting in a way that I don’t want to be mentally ill and I don’t want to experience these kinds of symptoms. My first inclination is to stop taking the Risperdal feeling that is the culprit.

It is nothing of the high strangeness mentally I have experienced in the past, though. I could go for weeks and just barely function in some of the harder times of my life. I am still able to go about my day as usual. I have just been acting strangely lately.  Like sitting for hours on the couch just looking out the window. No TV. No music. The hours will just fly by.  For years, on all those medications I couldn’t sit still. Maybe I am still adjusting chemically to all the drastic changes my psychiatrist and I have made lately. I am set to see her next Wednesday and will discuss this sudden arise of strangeness with her. 


Chandler's Mom said...

Its great to hear that you are doing so well. We all have "strangeness" every now and then. Perhaps you are overly sensitive to cafeine? Cut out the cafeinated drinks for a day or two and see if that makes a difference. When I stopped drinking coffee for a few months, when I had my first cup I almost felt like I was on turbo props. *smiles* Have a great day, and give the pooches a scruffle from us.

justLacey said...

I am feeling a little mentally strange myself. I chalk it up to the upcoming change in my life. Back to looking for a job and the unknown of it all. I think everyone feels it from time to time. I also think maybe it could be the shot you had and the wearing off of it's affects. I hope this is all it is and will pass in time. You had relatively little reaction during huge changes in your life and it could just be catching up to you now. With Stacy gone and working nights, things are slower. Maybe the night shift doesn't agree with you. Some people just can't adjust to it. There are many things it may be and I think talking to the dr. will help sort it all out. For now we will just have to wait and see. Hope today is better for you.

LM said...

I can relate to what Chandler's Mom said. When I started drinking a Grande Starbucks every morning...I, too, felt as though I was 'flying.' Good advice to cut off or cut down the caffeine for a week or so and see what happens.

You are doing great, Jonathon! (I still think of you as Andrew.) Have a beautiful day.

Sharon said...

If you've narrowed it down to the only thing different being the sodas with caffeine, then I agree that you should try going without them for a few days. Then see if you feel any differently. I believe the amount of soda you drink does trigger a big physiological response.

Syd said...

Maybe it's worth a call to the doctor today. Maybe you are tired. Lots of things going on in your life. Take care and take it easy.

Leann said...

I'm in with the caffeine crowd on this one. Be sure you mention it to your doc when you see her.

Have a fantastic day!!

glittergirl said...

is there a reason you're so keen on drinking those diet sodas? is there something addictive about it? what are the benefits of drinking it?

too much caffeine has give me anxiety attacks, so i'm thinking this is what's happening to you.

could you switch back to diet sprite or something without caffeine?

diet squirt is quite delicious!

This IS The Fun Part! said...

You've heard enough advise! I'm just happy that you're in control and recognize these changes - and feel comfortable discussing them with YOUR doctor!

Love ya,

Tee said...

Definitely tell you doctor what is going on. Try skipping the cokes (sodas) for a few days and see if that helps the way you feel. Those caffeine drinks just put me on one of those little wheels the hamsters/mice run around and around on. I guess you could call that the rat race.

You are doing so well analyzing your problems and the possible cause.

Carol said...

Hope that you're feeling better soon.

Maire said...

Have you ever tried plain seltzer or mineral water with fresh lemon? Thats the only thing that quenches my thirst when I try not to drink soft drinks.
I also have days where I'm just "off" not enough sleep, not eating properly, etc etc

Smitty said...

Take it one day at a time, and let the days show you that you are getting better. It helps me to know that all things do pass. My understanding of "strange days" comes when I don't analyze, but just persevere by doing the next right thing.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Good morning, dear! Hope all is well - - and if it's not, tomorrow is Wednesday and you can discuss all that is going on with your doctor. She may not have all the answers - but she will work like crazy to help solve the problem!

Maybe some good rainy weather will help settle things down a little.

Thinking of you . . .


joy said...

Caffeine always has a bad effect on me.....if i drink too much i am climbing the walls...i do hope you feel better have done so well for a long time now.