Friday, September 03, 2010

FaceBook and Me…


Don’t worry! I am not going to stop blogging like “The Homeless Guy” to hide on FaceBook.  I am averaging around 500 to 600 readers a day these days on the blog.  It is good to know people are reading, if not commenting.  It encourages you to write knowing you have an audience to write for. About blog comments -- Blogger’s comment system being entirely too tiresome and tedious to use and not amenable to getting more comments.  I could open up anonymous comments, but we all know what happens when I do that.  It gets entirely too “interesting” for my tastes. It tends to aggravate and upset my more supportive readers than it does me and I will keep them off for the time being.  It is easy to see the cowardice of a negative anonymous comment as anyone can sign up for a Google account and comment on my blog.  I could also easily ban them with Blogger’s new commenting tools as well marking them as spam. 

I am slowly shifting to FaceBook after all my misgivings about the social media, though.  For my iPad, it is entirely easier to update FaceBook at work – little blurbs about how my day is going during brief breaks from helping customers.  Blogging is just not conducive with the onscreen keyboard on the iPad.  Comments often come easier, often and more freely on FaceBook with it being entirely easier to do so.  It is nice to get little notes of encouragement as I go about my day – especially today with it having been my first full day of training in my new position in electronics. 

Unfortunately and much to my chagrin, most, if not all, of my former blogging friends have migrated to FaceBook – Google Reader being devoid of new blog posts as I check in several times per day.  I literally removed over 50 blogs today from Google Reader that haven’t updated in over a month.  Is blogging growing passé?  I fear in our attention deficit society that reading a longer more fleshed out blog post is just not as appealing as short, little easily read blurbs on FaceBook.  I hope my fears are unfounded.  One former blogging friend told me that FaceBook was just “easier”.

I also purged my FaceBook account of most of my “friends” that were family.  That gave me more impetus to write with the medium.  I just don’t want my sister going back to dad about what I am doing these days – choosing to stay private as far as my family goes.  Seeing as how I have little inhibition in what I will write, it was an easy step to take.  

First Day of Training…

I worked from 7am to 3pm today on my first day of training.  Derrick and my new supervisor let me loose towards the the end of my shift to handle sales and the cash register.  I was very nervous all day, but managed to keep any anxiety attacks at bay. I kept thinking of what my Therapist told me on Wednesday – that it is perfectly normal to feel anxiety about work and for it to not be mental illness related.  I took much solace in that thought.  I did have four Klonopin in my pocket at the ready, but only needed to take one around lunch on my break when I began to feel my heart racing.  Within thirty minutes of chewing the pill, I felt fine again. 

Next on the agenda will be adjusting to working nights for a change.  I slept my normal 7:30pm to 3:30am sleeping schedule last night, but must go to bed earlier today to prepare for Sunday night – my first night of being thrown to the lions so to speak.  I will be the sole person working electronics at night with no supervisor to lean on, or Derrick for that matter.  I hope they will continue to train me well tomorrow.  I plan on soon taking my Ambien and my other two allotted Klonopin for the day and heading to bed with the pups around 4:00pm to 4:30pm.  I am just exhausted after my first day. 

Stacey is Not Entirely Happy With My New Position…

“I am never going to see you now!” she said exasperated last night on the phone. “I know you and you will want to sleep in the late afternoons before work!”

“Well, I don’t want to be sleepy on the job,” I replied in my defense. “I just don’t want to be miserable.”

Stacey has worked for Wal-Mart for many years and maybe has some sway with her supervisor.  I suggested she ask to take on the afternoon shift for a change. Then we would have morning’s together. We will also have the weekends together for a change with me working from Sunday night to Thursday night on a regular basis. I hope that will assuage the situation some.    


geelizzie said...

You know what sort of worked for me when I was on the overnight shift was treating the day as if it were night, going to bed about 10 or 11 am and then trying to sleep until about 6 pm. I would always wake up about 3, though, hence the exhaustion. I don't know how your yard business will go with your new schedule unless you do yards early in the morning and then try to sleep until early evening. You still should be able to spend evenings with Stacey until it's time to go to work?
Glad to hear training is going well, how exciting!

Oh, and I don't facebook. I don't want people being able to find me that easily and just have a weird dislike of the whole social thing. I'll stick with blogging.

Tee said...

I don't do facebook or twitter. I had rather read a blog that deal with those little blurps. So there are some of us that will continue to read your blog--always.

You are going to do so well on your new position. You are so smart and savvy with all the latest in the electronic world. I do well to use my computer. Good suggestion to treat your days like nights, just go to bed at 10:00 a.m. and sleep to 6:00 p.m.

Happyone :-) said...

No Facebook for me either. I still like blogging and have no plans for stopping.
Best of luck with the new promotion. :-)

justLacey said...

I enjoy your blogging although I have migrated away from most of the others I read mostly due to lack of interest on my part. I like FB, but I do prefer your blogging. I was excited however to see your little blurb during the day.

AJ Rahn said...

Great news on the promotion! Graveyard shift can be a royal pain--I worked it for many years, mostly doing hotel security stuff. Like Tee above, in the end I decided to stay awake at shift-end, going to bed around 1 or 2 PM, and getting up around 9-9:30 for an 11 PM start. My thinking was to the effect: when people work 8-5, they don't go home and go to bed, the have 6-8 hours of activity.

I suggest you tell your psychiatrist about your new work schedule though, she may have some thoughts/tips to adjust your medications accordingly & BTW, be glad you not on rotating shifts; like 7-3 for two days; 3-11 3days 4 days off the 11-7~~that; in my opinion is the only thing worse the graveyard/overnight--I would rather (and did end up being) unemployed.

LDAlvarez said...

I'm not a huge fan of facebook, I seldom log in anymore. I prefer my blog and reading yours Jonathon.
I can blog at work, my supervisor doesn't care as long as my IT work gets done.

Good luck in your new position!

Cheryl said...

Facebook is easy, but there's no comparison to blogging. Did you notice I blogged again today? I think that's twice in two days. It's hard to keep up, but I keep trying.

As always, great blog posts today!

This IS The Fun Part! said...

I love the blog to keep up with all the latest - but loved the FB notes today to see how well you were doing. As your new world gets more and more busy, you may not have as much idle time for the full blogs we have gotten used to. I will gladly forego a few blog posts if that's part of the price of your success!

You'll get used to the new hours. We humans can adjust - sometimes we just like the comfort of our old routines!

Where there's a will, there's a way! You and Stacey will find a way to fit plenty of time in. It may just have to be a different schedule!

I hope your Saturday is full of adventure and positive interesting times!

Take it easy on yourself - you are doing such a good job!

Love ya,

kristi said...

Facebook is good to pop in and out but I am still an avid blogger.

kristi said...

Facebook is good to pop in and out but I am still an avid blogger.

Mary K said...

I'm still blogging but over at Livejournal since I pay for it. XD
Facebook is awesome...for Farmville. :p I'm never gonna be posting my innermost thoughts there because everyone and my boss are my "friends."