Monday, September 13, 2010

Surprise Visit…

Luckily, a moment ago I was standing in the aisle with the printers straightening all the expensive printer ink – gloating over the prices we charge.

“How are things going?” I heard a voice over my shoulder.

I turned to look and it was my new supervisor. A few minutes ago, he would have caught me on my iPad browsing comments on I will have to be more careful as the shift ends from now on.

“Your doing a good job,” he told me patronizingly. “The department always looks good every morning when I come in.”

He left to do what supervisors do on early morning arrivals – no doubt to go cohort with the other supervisors in the store – drinking coffee and reveling in their employee’s antics.

I was anxiously awaiting 5am to arrive this morning. George was set to show along with my old supervisor. The part-time guy was going to train him today. 5am rolled around and I walked outside to look and George was already busy bringing in carts with the part-time guy directing him.

“Hey sweetheart!” my old supervisor said as I was walking in the store and caught her near customer service.

I smiled vigorously – so glad to see her and so pleased with how things were going this morning.  We talked for a few moments until I had to get back to my department – me being the only person on duty this early in the morning.

Jim stopped by earlier in the night with his usual purchase. Jim and I are creatures of habit – having the same nightly routines. Jim is very mainstream, conservative and religious as far as a black man in the South goes. We would never be friends if it were not for our common cause of work. We talked this morning of him being born again in Christianity. I feigned interest as I am not a very religious man, although I am well versed in religious matters. The discussion turned to Easter and how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I had to resist my inclination to be cynical and say it was holiday rooted in pagan origins – originating with spring and the renewal of the Earth after a winter bereft of growth. There are a lot of pagan correlations with Christianity and many of our holidays. Most of our conversations revolved around me listening and Jim preaching to his one man choir. I have learned with people like Jim that it is best not to blurt out my unorthodox beliefs on matters religious and political.  

Well, it is 6am. I have an hour to go and then I am going to check on George and head home. Today is grocery day and mom will be by around lunch before her hair appointment for us to go. I hope to get in a few hours of sleep before then.  I am already very sleepy this morning. Those warm covers are going to feel so good on this cool morning.  It was another good night of work. I am pleased.


Lottie said...

Hey there... so glad things are going so well for you! Not to be a spoil-sport, but just a word of caution... be careful with what you do on the job when you think nobody is watching. Believe me, someone is watching. I've watched a few employees at Sears get busted for stupid stuff, including chatting on their cell phones. The video camera system to watch for possible theft is also used to watch employees. That's how they caught a guy stealing money from the register. He wouldn't do it every day, but $5 here, $5 there, and it adds up. It took them a while to figure out who it was, but once they did, they had video evidence. Now, browsing the web probably won't get you fired, but it may get you a warning, and I'd hate to see that happen to you by surprise... just be careful... Sorry for the kill-joy... but just looking out for you...

Syd said...

Glad that George was there and working. I don't think that I would be quite as polite to have to listen to the preacher man. I used to give a fellow a ride here on the island up to the nearest shopping area. He kept spewing religion at me. I had to tell him that I was not religious and that I didn't want to talk religion. I think sometimes such fanaticism borders on being mentally ill.

LDAlvarez said...

Awesome that George is working already.

Congratulations on your first week in the new position, your a natural for that department.

glittermom said...

It amazes me how normal your life has become since I first started reading your blog a long time ago..I found your blog by accident and was hooked on it right away..I am truly very proud of you..You feel like family now...

Debbie said...

just a heads up, your blog is very searchable, be careful what you write about work, and co workers. you wouldn't want to be dooced.