Monday, April 15, 2019

A Chill is in the Air…

As Tracy was leaving for work this morning, she walked out the front door and quickly turned around to come back inside and get a coat.

“I told you so!” I said with a smile and a chuckle.

“But it was 82 degrees yesterday!” Tracy complained of the difference.

It almost feels like fall outside today. It never has gotten above 70° degrees.

River House Bound…

Last week, they installed heating and air at the river house (I am going to get you some pictures up soon, Glittermom!). I asked dad this morning if he is really moving in. He said he really is and that he is selling the big manor on the hill. I can only imagine what moving my father is going to entail. It makes me dizzy just thinking about it.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Which house is bigger? I can’t wait to see the new house and surrounding land, is the river close to the house? I have always wanted to live by the water. I live close to Lake Erie but not close enough to see it. :(