Thursday, April 18, 2019

And the Last of the Gifts Arrive…

My last gift of eight packages arrived today in the mail. It was a bittersweet moment. The anticipation and excitement has been almost palpable. It was a Sega Genesis USB game controller for my computer. I proudly showed it to my father and told him how I was going to use it. He had never heard of videogame emulation and I explained it to him.

“You got your money’s worth this year,” my father then told me chuckling as I sat next to him in the den this morning.

I thanked him profusely for letting me do that – letting me save up all those months of computer parts money and spend it all at one time. I wanted a whizzbang birthday and I got it.

Now my task is to review all these various products on Newegg and review the individual sellers as well. It will take me a few days as I ruminate over what to write. I also need to use the computer parts a few days to get a feel for them and their performance.

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