Wednesday, April 03, 2019

April Fool’s Hijinks…

Monday, I was a bad Andrew. I got this large rubber snake from dad and tied some thread to it. I hid it on the other side of the couch. Tracy was sitting on the couch with her laptop when I pulled the thread and the snake came quickly slithering through the room and over the rug. She jumped up, screamed, and almost dropped her laptop.

“I could kill you, Andrew!” Tracy exclaimed exasperated as she then broke out into much hysterical laughter.

My joke on dad was that I called him and asked if he could bring me some left handed toilet paper from the pharmacy seeing that I am left handed. He didn’t take the bait. “April fools!” he hollered as he laughed jovially. My mother would have fallen for it.

Thankfully, nobody pranked me on the 1st. I kept expecting my father to do something dastardly.

Sexual Dreams…

Sometimes my subconscious can surprise me. I had the most pleasant dream last night. It was garnered by an old friend from college. There were many very gentle caresses and tender touching. It left a big impression on me this morning.  I am still daydreaming about it because it seemed so vividly real. .

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

I don't understand pranks and April Fool's. I REALLY thought Kim Kardashian had bought Dollywood! I was hoping....