Saturday, March 30, 2019

Just a Simple Meal…

Dad baked a delicious ham today. He told me a secret for his delicious ham was Coca-Cola poured into the baking pan. I know it sounds gross, but it is delicious. Tracy and I were invited over tonight to eat ham and tomato sandwiches. Sandwiches just taste better when someone else makes them. Dad prepared a fine three sandwiches for us to eat.

“What are these green things on my plate?” Tracy whispered to me at one point.

“That’s pickled okra,” I replied. “Beware as it is very spicy.”

Tracy wrinkled her nose as she often does at something distasteful to her. I laughed and popped an okra in my mouth before taking a bite of my sandwich. I assured her they were delicious, but she didn’t feel that adventurous tonight.

Now It’s Time For My Pet Peeve…

Tracy likes to fall asleep to the drone of the television in the bedroom which aggravates me. I have to wait until she is sound asleep before I turn off the television or she will huffily turn it back on to my great consternation. I can’t sleep until it is quiet, dark, and cool in the bedroom.

1 comment:

Kran's Crackers said...

I've seen recipes using coca cola for pork so it doesn't seem strange to me. Okra however - blech! Pods of slime, no thank you!!
- Sharon