Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Surprise! It’s Injection Time!

I purposely didn’t tell my father my injection was today. I wanted to see if he remembered and if he didn’t, then I wanted to surprise him.

I walked into the pharmacy at 9:05am and dad asked me what I was doing. The pharmacy had just opened.

“It is not like you to just show up at the pharmacy,” he said tersely. “What’s wrong?”

“My injection is this morning,” I replied with a Cheshire grin.

Dad fawned all over me that I remembered. I got many accolades this morning. I was beaming with pride.

“It completely slipped my mind,” he said, patting me on my back.

Tracy didn’t miss a beat, though. When she got up at 6:45am, she told me to get up and get ready for my injection. She had astutely remembered.

Ode to a Biscuit…

I cooked more Mary B’s biscuits this morning. I also scrambled some cheese eggs and fried some sausage patties. I cannot express in words how lovely and delicious these biscuits are. I ate mine this morning with real butter and Charlie’s strawberry preserves. They taste just like my grandmother’s homemade biscuits and that is saying something.


glittermom said...

I see Walmart carries those biscuits. There are 3 diff. kind. Butter taste, buttermilk, southern made. Which do you recommend.

Andrew said...

Glittermom, I get the Mary B's Thins "thin cut and crispy crust". I bet any of those are good though. I would like to try the buttermilk and may do next week.

glittermom said...

I’m not a biscuit fan but you make them sound so good I want to try them.