Sunday, March 17, 2019

Like Getting Your Grass Mowed…

Charlie’s coming tonight to cut my hair. Tracy is intrigued and finds it very interesting that my father’s best friend cuts my hair. She has been helping me get the house in tip top shape for their arrival.

“He cuts his own hair?” Tracy just asked me a moment ago.

“He cut it this morning and I saw him. It looked good,” I replied. “He also cuts Horsefly’s hair as well. Don’t worry so much!”

“Let me introduce you to one of my phobias,” I then told Tracy. “I hate going to the barber so Charlie saves my butt.”

“Are they bringing supper tonight?” Tracy asked.

“Sure, Charlie will go get our meals and then cut my hair.”

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Why not just leave it in the packs, a lot less work.