Friday, April 12, 2019

Life Sans Internet…

Monday morning, a big rig drove down our street and took down our cable drop line to the house (low clearance). The police came out and moved the line out of the road and filed a report (I wonder who called the police?). I called that dastardly WOW! and the lady said someone would be out here that afternoon. No one ever came. Dad and Tracy called next to no avail over the next few subsequent days. Each time, the WOW! representative said someone would be out here soon. Thursday rolled around and Tracy and I still didn’t have cable TV and internet. Tracy and I both were at our wit’s end.

“I am driving out to their office and pulling some strings,” my father told me when he stopped by the house to survey the damage yesterday.

Within twenty minutes of my father saying that, two WOW! vans were parked in front of my house and working to restore my service. I am not exaggerating. It took them about another 20 minutes to do so and we were back online.

“How did you do that?” I asked my father over the phone astonishingly grinning ear to ear and laughing jubilantly.

“The receptionist traded with me at the pharmacy for twenty years,” he told me smugly.

I keep telling my father he could make the consummate small town politician. He knows everyone in town.

It was so nice to wake up this morning and look at the weather forecast and radar. I had really missed doing that. You really don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.


glittermom said...

Happy birthday young man! Hope alls well. Did you get a cake? Nothing like a birthday cake.

Andrew said...

Dad's grilling out hamburgers tonight for me and the grandkids! No cake I fear. I guess dad thinks I am too old for that. Thank you so much for the happy birthday wishes!

skinny minny said...

Was wondering what happened.glad you are back up and running for your birthday 🎂

Kran's Crackers said...

Happy belated birthday. I was wondering where you were when I didn't see you online. Glad it was nothing serious and everyone is healthy.
-Sharon -

amelia said...

I would lose my mind without internet for that long!
Happy belated!!

Sharyn said...

Happy Birthday! Let me tell you about a 70 y/o woman who lived in the country with her ailing hubby. Her "bundle" company left her without a landline for a week. She complained, they ignored her. She got in her truck with her magic hammer and went into the office and broke up all their phones and keyboards. All the time while screaming, "Can you hear me now?" Yes, she was arrested but the whole town came to her aid and she was famous for a while.

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad you're back online! I've missed your stories!