Saturday, April 27, 2019

What’s a Little Bit of Sushi Between Friends?

Tracy and I were spontaneous for a late lunch/early dinner and I drove us to Sushi Huku Japanese restaurant. It is on the west side of Atlanta and about an hour’s drive away. They are supposed to have the best sushi in Atlanta. My ex-wife loved to go there for dinner and I did as well. I thought I would start a new tradition. Tracy thought it was wonderful as well. We both got sampler bento boxes with all different kinds of fried Japanese delicacies. I asked for sweet tea as is common in the South and my waitress brought out hot green tea in a dainty cup. I smiled. We also got to showoff our chopstick prowess. Tracy can thread a needle with chopsticks.

What are your thoughts on sushi or eating raw fish? It is definitely an acquired taste. I especially enjoy the varieties of tuna and I ate some sea urchin roe today as well. I keep wanting to put it on a saltine cracker like we always did “fishing food” like sardines and those little fish steaks in the South. 

Tracy was talking and lamenting on the drive home that she didn’t have enough purses to match her wardrobe. Well, it was just my luck that I turned on the TV when we got home and it was tuned to QVC and they were showcasing purses. I snuck in the computer room, browsed to, and ordered Tracy an expensive navy blue purse or tote as they called it. It is going to be a neat surprise for her later next week. You’ve got to take care of your woman folk and spoil them sometimes.

Now, I feel my day is done and I am going to spend the rest of the evening sequestered in my computer room. Tracy’s got her laptop out and is watching TV in the den which is her usual modus operandi. 


Rita said...

I know that some people love sushi and that it is popular. I won't eat raw fish. One photo of a person who has gotten worms is all it took for me.

Michelle said...

I am definitely on the sushi bandwagon!