Thursday, November 25, 2004

A post from last night……

I am too kind for my own good sometimes. I didn’t want to publish this post as I feared that some of you would think I was stupid or naïve. I can report that George left early this morning after making amends with his mother and went home for thanksgiving. We will just have to wait and see if I get unannounced drunken visits in the middle of the night. To be honest, George is really a cool guy when he is sober and we had some good conversations last night. Here is what I wrote last night and was too embarrassed to post……

The heartburn that brought on an interesting situation….

I had terrible heartburn tonight. I felt as if my esophagus was on fire. I shouldn’t have eaten that can of Hormel chili but I was being lazy and didn’t want to cook. I decided to walk down to the Piggly Wiggly and buy some Alka-Seltzers. I love those things especially the Alka-Seltzer cold version with the lemon flavoring. I bundled up, put on my fleece overall and my gloves and headed down the road on the sidewalk. It was still very damp and cool outside. I refuse to drive my car just one mile to get something that costs me less than three dollars. I would rather walk than put that wear and tear on my feeble car and waste that gasoline.

Upon arriving at the pig after walking up the stairs past the flea market, I saw George. He hurried over to me and began to ramble. Surprisingly enough, he was sober.

“I needs yo help my brotha.” George said.

“What kind of help?” I asked warily.

“I needs a place to stay tonight. I ain’t gots no home.” He replied.

“No home? What about your mother’s place. I thought you stayed with her.” I said.

“Dat bitch threw me out. Said I stole twenty dollas out of her purse.” George replied.

“Well, did you?” I asked.

“Shit naw. She be senile. She don’t be knowing what she be speakin’ about.” George said.

I have met George’s mother one time when I drove him home since he was so drunk I thought he would hurt himself or others. Yes, she is very senile and she is very outspoken but I thought she was a nice lady.

“Can I stays with you tonight?” George asked.

A thousand horror scenarios went through my mind. Should I let him spend the night? Will it be the worst decision I have ever made? Would George make my home the hangout for the Piggly Wiggly groupies and other sordid characters? My first thought was to blind fold him and take him home as they used to do on the old Batman and Robin shows from the sixties when they didn’t want to reveal the location of the bat cave.

“George, hold on a second and let me go get what I came for.” I said.

I walked inside and bought my Alka-Seltzers and also a bottle of Sunny Delight. They had the Sunny Delight on sale for 79 cents. I walked back outside and resumed our conversation.

“What it be?” George asked.

“Okay man, I am going to do you a favor and I do not want to regret it.” I said. “You have to promise me you will be cool and will not tell Slop, Cap with Tag, and Weasel where I live. You get it?”

“Old George be yo friend. I won’t say shit.” George replied.

“You can sleep upstairs in my house tonight but you will have to call your mom in the morning and make amends.” I said.

“You is my brotha. Lets go get in the car.” George replied.

We walked over to George’s car. He got in the passengers seat and I got in the drivers seat. I drove us home to my house and parked George’s beat up old Dodge diplomat in my driveway.

George is currently sitting in my lazy boy in front of the TV, watching black entertainment television, and smoking a cigar. I am sitting here in front of the computer finishing up this post.

Will I regret this? I have no idea but at least George is sober and acting cool. He is just glad to be out of the bad weather and to be in a safe place. I hope he goes up to bed soon and will call his mother in the morning and make amends. I may have created a monster though as he now knows where I live. It will make for interesting blog posts but trying real life experiences I fear. I will just hope for the best and I take solace knowing that I helped a fellow man. Well, I think I will go watch some rap videos on BET with George. It is not my favorite kind of music but I can adapt.

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