Monday, November 15, 2004

The Pilot Light Conspiracy

Spending what I did today has my mind turned towards money matters and budgets. What did I do tonight that is also expensive? Well, read along as I explain. (This is mainly just written out of boredom and I felt like writing.)

It has turned very cool here in the south. I am sitting here watching my gas heater burn. I broke down tonight and turned it on low. Let me paint a picture of what this looks like to me……

Picture an animated burning dollar bill. I couldn’t find one on the web but I only searched like 1 second. I am being lazy and do not want to have to upload it to my FTP server and then link it so bare with me and use your imagination. Come on, you know it is fun. Did you picture the burning dollar bill?

You have to picture my apartment here. If you remember some of the pictures I uploaded and showed on my former blog then you know it is full of windows. These windows are of some 1960’s design and are glass slates that are opened with a crank. You can see my blinds move with the slightest breeze outdoors as they do not seal well.

Tonight I turned on the heat. I am being a wuss and it is really chilly in here. The ambient temperature was in the fifties Fahrenheit. (Around 12 degrees Celsius for you Canadians, eh?) Normally, I just put on some long johns and a fleece pullover but tonight I gave in. I have gone countless times to stand in front of that gas heater and warm my hands and butt. It is very comforting but my budget this month is going to hell.

I have learned one trick. I unscrewed the grate on the heater and light it with a lighter. I do not use the pilot light. I think the pilot light is a conspiracy by the gas company to make a few extra bucks per customer per month. It is convenient but expensive. Me? I just lift the grate and use a cheap 35 cent lighter to ignite the heater; watching that pilot light burn makes me cringe.

Luckily, my new home is very well insulated and efficient. I am ready to move in and be more comfortable. Well, I better run. This is just a quick peek into the life of a cheap bastard. Hehe :^)

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