Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Verbose Kind of Guy...

Today, I was walking out of the noon AA meeting I like so much.  A fellow followed me to my car.  He had heard me share and said he took a lot of solace from my life experiences. 

"I have a mental illness, too!" he told me very animatedly.  "Bi-polar."

It is not often someone will blurt out such a thing to a stranger.  My "normal" person persona defensively went on guard. 

The fellow went on to talk for another 30 minutes about his life.  I couldn't help but keep watching my watch.  I was hungry and thirsty, and just generally wanted to be home. 

"Thank you," the young guy said as he closed his conversation.  "I needed someone to talk to."

I wished him luck and we exchanged phone numbers.  I was glad I had stayed and listened to him instead of making up some excuse to drive home.  I could see us becoming friends and he seemed like the aggressive kind of person that someone with social anxiety needs to bring them out of their shell.  I keep reminding myself that by helping others in AA, that I am helping myself as well.  I hope I helped that fellow by lending my ear.   


mosiacmind said...

Good for you for being willing and able to listen to the man. I hope that you can be proud of yourself AND see how far you have come with being able to engage socially with someone whom you do not know and someone who needed someone to listen and you did. WAY TO GO ANDREW! I hope that the rest of your day is going good.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Ah Bless! You are such a kind soul Andrew.
Really! its very sweet that you were patient when that guy wanted to make a new friend by the sounds of things. That was a lovely act of service :)

Summer said...

You did good Sweet Pea!

Summer said...

You did good Sweet Pea!

amy said...

As someone scared and in his position, I can absolutely say that you did help. More than you can imagine!

Leann said...

Sometimes we just need someone to listen.

justLacey said...

You see, this time you didn't let your anxiety get the better of you. One day at a time. I think a male friend would be a good thing for you. I know you have been somewhat lonely, even though sometimes you prefer to be alone. I used to feel the same way sometimes.

Cheryl said...

Good news. Goes to show that you just never know. Connections with others are so important, and I know you're missing that in your life.

Have a good day, Andrew.

happyone said...

I'm sure you helped him a lot. How kind of you to stay and listen. It's always good to make a new friend. :-)

forsythia said...

Being a good listener is a rare gift these days. I'm sure you did him a world of good.