Wednesday, October 29, 2008

An Eight Hour Tour...

Dad needed extra help so I have spent the last three days working all day with overtime.  I am not used to standing up that long and had to take frequent breaks.  I was so tired after work every day that I would put on my sleeping wear, grab a magazine, and hit the covers.  Even when it was still light outside! I did it though.  It makes me feel better about giving vocational rehabilitation a try soon.  I can do it (work) with practice.

Tonight, I felt more spirited than most nights.  I got in the kitchen and made breakfast for supper with Maggie watching my every move.  I was humming loudly as I stirred some scrambled eggs when there was a knock upon my door.

"I can't stay long," mom said upon opening the door. "I just wanted to see how you are doing."

"You're just in time for supper," I replied.

Mom said she wasn't going to eat, but she ended up eating a plate full of eggs, bacon, cheese, and toast.

"Food just tastes better when someone else cooks it," mom told me.

Tonight, I feel a certain sense of contemplative pride over this week so far.  It has probably been one of the most normal and mainstream weeks I've experienced since I got a home out of homelessness or quit drinking.   


Barb said...

I am so proud of your success! Makes a person want to be successful just reading your posts.

Thanks a bunch for what you do!

Kevin said...

I was wondering where you've been, it's good to hear you're well.

Kelly Jene said...

It's amazing how good normal can feel after a time of chaos.

I'm having a writing contest at my blog, you should come join! It's not very time intensive.

jrlmx2 said...

Andrew, I'm watching your counter. Do you realize you're only 3 weeks from your 'birthday'? I, for one, am VERY proud of you! Your successes are contagious!

Eric said...

Sounds like you have had a tiring but wonderful day. Now, if I can just figure out how to get me a plate of eggs, bacon, cheese and toast...:D

justLacey said...

When I first started back to work after 7 years, I thought it would kill me. I work in the records dept for the school system. Lifting file boxes full of records and moving them, recording them, filing and pulling them. It was hard and heavy and I am nearly 47 now. i have lost 15 lbs doing it and it's not as strenuous as it was in the begining. Hang in there, you are doing great! As for me, I found out 2 days ago I am being laid off due to budget cuts. See it could be worse. Merry Christmas to me. I am waiting to see what door opens when this one closes.

Summer said...

It makes me so happy when you're feeling good about you.

Tell your mom that my aunt used to say, "Anything I don't have to cook tastes good!"

Moonroot said...

Glad to hear you doing so well and sounding so positive. Love to you & Maggie.

Karin's Korner said...

Andrew~ I see we are on 345 (Ok, you are on day 345 but I want to celebrate with you :) ) 20 more days Andrew...just 20 more days and you will be sober for a year!! What a terrific time it is for you my friend!

simonsays said...

Oh Andrew, you are doing so good!

Hope this day is a great one.

Hugs. :)

Tee said...

Andrew, you are doing great! Look at that counter--345 days of being sober. That is wonderful. Keep up the good work!!!!

Jami said...

And you continue to do it, one day at a time, making new steps all the time.


happyone said...

So nice to hear that you had such a good week. I hope your next week is even better. :-)

CJM-R said...

Good for you, Andrew! It must feel so great to have a week like this.


Jessica said...

So awesome! I'm glad things are going well for you Andrew! You should be ecstatically proud of yourself! :)

Cheryl said...

You sound just great Andrew. Happy. I'm so glad for you.