Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Benches No More...

Feeling much better today.  I felt well enough to ride my bike down to the tracks to do some rail fanning.   There weren't many trains, but I got some good photos of odd motive power.  I also got a lot of sun this gorgeous day. 

Right up the street from the tracks is the shopping center.  I noticed today that they have removed all the benches for people to sit upon.  Big S and the gang must be livid.  I wonder if they will move to restaurant row to do their panhandling. 

I finally left the tracks and rode up to my parent's house to get some Tylenol and aspirin.  The hill to my parent's house about killed me and I had to get off and walk.  Mom was sitting in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal.  Helen had the day off.  I told mom how strange I've felt lately as if everything is being experienced in the third person.

"You need to call your doctor," Mom said keenly. "You may need a higher dosage of something ."

I don't want to feel drugged though as is often the case with psychiatric medications.  



I hope you feel better soon, and sorry to hear that things are crappy, you are being thought about.

Jessica said...

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better today! :)

mosiacmind said...

Hi Andrew....I was wondering if the feelings you are having is that your shot has not been totally absorbed in your body. I know how tough those type of feelings are and remember I do totally get it.
I have been alright. I see my doctor tomorrow. I am hoping that he does not change anything but I guess I will know when I have that appointment. I hope that your day is going calm and peaceful. It is interesteing how they moved the will be interesting to hear all the responses people have. Having you as a blogger and someone who gets it is a large joy in my life.

justLacey said...

I sometimes feel that way, but it usually passes on it's own. I thought I was the only one.

Jami said...

Andrew, when I'm experiencing life in the third person, I am usually very depressed ...

(M)ary said...

Hey I saw your twitter about Maggie's bowl running dry.

I have three bowls and one cup in the kitchen and two cups in the bathroom for my cats and dog.

I got into this habit when I adopted my cat Pumpkin. She was my first pet and I spoiled her. I put water and food in every room so that she never had to walk far. I am not as extreme now, but it does help to have several water dishes so then it doesn't matter if I forget.

Cheryl said...

Is this the start of your riding? Hmmm. And maybe the shopping center got tired of the loiterers? I wonder where the gang went, or even if they're still a gang. You used to be the glue, but at a big price to you.

It wouldn't hurt to talk to your doctor. About how you've felt, and your injection.

So, what magazine are you reading?

PipeTobacco said...


I would say a visit to the doctor is in order. Please do not assume it may be that you need MORE medication. I could very likely be you need LESS of some medication. "Third Person" sorts of disassociative feelings suggest in my understand excess medication.

Also, please be careful about so much Tylenol and asprin. It could wreak havoc with your kidneys... especially since some of your other medications are rather stressful on the kidneys as well.
