Monday, October 06, 2008

Bed Head...

Mom came by this afternoon on her way to get her hair done.  I couldn't help but laugh when I opened the door.

"Mom, you have the worst case of bed head I have ever seen!" I told her snickering.

"Is is that bad?" she asked, laughing.

"You should have looked in the mirror before leaving."

Mom got in my bathroom and got her hair fixed somewhat better.  I see this as one of the negative symptoms of mom's schizophrenia.  She used to would never leave the house like that before her breakdown.   Now, it is as if she just no longer cares what the public thinks.  I can understand how she feels. 


Kelly Jene said...

She gets her hair done a lot doesn't she? I wish I could. I have bed hair every day of the week! LOL

Cheryl said...

I wish you would have snuck a picture in! I have to wash my hair every day because of bed head.

Summer said...

If you could only see my bed head each morning, you'd SHRIEK! LOL!

Leann said...

I'm pretty scary first thing in the morning...well, the afternoon since that's my 'morning' :-)

justLacey said...

Maybe mom has the right idea on not caring what people think!

(M)ary said...

i have some serious bed head this morning. my hair is sticking way up. my roots are actually sore on one side because my hair was pressed against the part. yep, my hair is so used to laying in one direction, it hurts to change directions.

Karin's Korner said...

Three hundred and twenty two days Andrew...Three hundred and twenty two...You should be very proud of yourself...WOW!! Just think how many beers you have NOT drank!! What a wonderful thing!!

Chandira said...

My hair is too long to really get bad bed-head, but good for your mom, not caring. I think we could all have a few less cares about what people think.

I do understand what you're worried about though. But from what you're saying about her, she seems pretty functional, despite the panic attacks. I would say she's ok.

mosiacmind said...

I am one of those people who often times just do not care...if it is clean and if it is comfy than that is what i will wear. My hair i brush thru some with my fingers with the curly hair that is what seems to work. Last week it looked like bedhead everyday since it really needed it cut. I got it cut but do not like will grow and my hair tends to grow fast too. Andrew way to go with not if we all lived closer together we would want to have a party for you. i think for sure if you are up to it go to a meeting when you reach a year and get a coin.i hope that you have a good day and enjoy your diet cokes.

forsythia said...

For people with baby-fine hair, the kind that wants to lie down flat all the time, bed head is a blessing! For a few hours early in the day, one appears to have hair with some spunk.